Friday, July 09, 2021

Math 2.0 Day – July 8, 2021 | Special interests - National Today

Math 2.0 Day celebrated every July 8, is a holiday that commemorates the importance of the combination of math and technology.

The day was formed to celebrate the accomplishments made through the combination of the field of math and technology, and how it can benefit the world in the coming years. This means without math, it would have been impossible for us to be provided with the different travel and entertainment mediums we have today. Nor would we have the technology we use to accomplish several everyday work tasks. So if you love how easy technological innovations have made your life, celebrating Math 2.0 Day is a must!...

History of Math 2.0 Day

Math 2.0 day was created in 2009 by the Math Interest Group. The group was created to promote and enable the use of math online. This is essential since math is critical for the advancement of technology, science, and education. The Math Interest Group also collaborates on research and development projects that focus on mathematics education required in the fields of finance, engineering, medicine, and even social sciences. Here’s how math has helped in the development of technological innovations.

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Source: National Today