The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.
Take a look at this interesting line-up below.
The newsletter is now available also in Bulgarian and Romanian. To update your language and newsletter settings please login on the portal and access “My profile”.
The eLearning Papers seeks articles on digital literacy. The papers should address topics such as learning and social (e)inclusion, information literacy, new e-skills and lifelong learning, etc. The deadline for article submissions is 10 November, 2008.
The selection 2008 of Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig projects under the Lifelong Learning programme (DG EAC/30/07) has been published.
Active Ageing and the Potential of ICT for Learning. The report, published by the IPTS, argues that ICT have an important role to play in developing learning opportunities for older people in an ageing society. It concludes that holistic policies are needed to support learning opportunities in ageing societies, enabled by ICT.
The competition selects the best-practice projects in eLearning for job training and further education. Submission closes on 20 October 2008.
ICT 2008, 25-27 November, Lyon, France.
The Europe's biggest research event for information and communication technologies is organised by the European Commission and hosted by the French Presidency of the European Union.
The FoCus project aims at fostering synergies between public policies in support of eBusiness for SMEs. The final conference will be held on 29 September 2008 in Brussels.
iTEC08, 6-7 November, Darmstadt, Germany.
The new ICT-congress for enterprises presents the latest international trends in information and communication technologies as well as the most important trends. The congress includes also the award ceremony for the European Innovative Games Award.
ePORTFOLIO and DIGITAL IDENTITY 2008, 22-24 October, Maastricht.
This year’s key thematic conference celebrates the increasing level of international ePortfolio implementation for the enhancement of the personal learning environment and organisational, community and territorial learning. Principal themes include ePortfolio research, interoperability and ePortfolios for regions, healthcare and employability. Registration is now open.
iLEARNING FORUM 2009, 19-20 January, Paris.
Calls for contributions are now open for this international bilingual Conference and Exhibition, this year expanded with the addition of a conference dedicated to the Recognition and Accreditation of Competencies (RAC). The theme of this year's iLearning Forum is 'Integrated learning: embedding learning technologies for individual and organisational development'.