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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

If you are interested in teaching online-here's how do you get started?

Check out this new video how Clarence Maise get you started on the right track with your online course development.
He will do this by identifying the parts of the process and what each entails and how to get through all of this with your sanity intact.

Related links
Take a look around, check out the postings, and maybe you will leave with a new idea or at least a new resource.
“……because design matters!” blog
Innovate-Ideagora Clarence Maise's Page
Start Your Course With a Guided Tour
Teaching With Blackboard
Teaching With Technology

About Clarence Maise

I am an instructional designer for the University of Missouri at St. Louis. After 25 years working for several large multinational manufacturing companies I decided to give academia a try. I have worked as a instructional technologist and designer for almost 10 years now. I have been doing online course design and teaching from the beginning of our modern era of online. I can remember when there where no learning management systems and all our HTML was written using a text editor.
I think these are great times for designers and teachers online. With Web 2.0 tools and open source we have some of the best learning tools ever. Using wikis, blogs and flash videos I am able to build wonderfully collaborative online work spaces.

Source: YouTube - UMKC's Channel

If you are interested in teaching online-here's how do you get started?

Check out this new video how Clarence Maise get you started on the right track with your online course development.
He will do this by identifying the parts of the process and what each entails and how to get through all of this with your sanity intact.

Related links
Take a look around, check out the postings, and maybe you will leave with a new idea or at least a new resource.
“……because design matters!” blog
Innovate-Ideagora Clarence Maise's Page
Start Your Course With a Guided Tour
Teaching With Blackboard
Teaching With Technology

About Clarence Maise

I am an instructional designer for the University of Missouri at St. Louis. After 25 years working for several large multinational manufacturing companies I decided to give academia a try. I have worked as a instructional technologist and designer for almost 10 years now. I have been doing online course design and teaching from the beginning of our modern era of online. I can remember when there where no learning management systems and all our HTML was written using a text editor.
I think these are great times for designers and teachers online. With Web 2.0 tools and open source we have some of the best learning tools ever. Using wikis, blogs and flash videos I am able to build wonderfully collaborative online work spaces.

Source: YouTube - UMKC's Channel

Monday, June 01, 2009

The Danish Ministry of Education wants to allow ‘A’ level students to use the Internet in exams.

Check out the reports in the Danish media, how Danish ‘A’ level students are likely to be able to use the Internet in their written exams if a test run later this year proves successful.


The Ministry of Education says that pupils already use the Internet for tests. “It’s a good way to get hold of historical facts or an article that can be useful, for example, in a written social sciences exam,” Ministry Education Consultant Søren Vagner tells Danish newspaper MetroXpress.

Digital hand-in In order to prevent students from cheating by downloading translation programmes or communicating using chats, the idea is that papers should be handed in digitally and that there should be random checks on sites that students visit during an exam. “That will enable us to carry out plagiarism checks,” Vagner says, continues Politiken

Related link:
Danish schools ready to trial internet access during exams


The Danish Ministry of Education wants to allow ‘A’ level students to use the Internet in exams.

Check out the reports in the Danish media, how Danish ‘A’ level students are likely to be able to use the Internet in their written exams if a test run later this year proves successful.


The Ministry of Education says that pupils already use the Internet for tests. “It’s a good way to get hold of historical facts or an article that can be useful, for example, in a written social sciences exam,” Ministry Education Consultant Søren Vagner tells Danish newspaper MetroXpress.

Digital hand-in In order to prevent students from cheating by downloading translation programmes or communicating using chats, the idea is that papers should be handed in digitally and that there should be random checks on sites that students visit during an exam. “That will enable us to carry out plagiarism checks,” Vagner says, continues Politiken

Related link:
Danish schools ready to trial internet access during exams


3 Reasons Why E-Learning is not affected By a Recession

Today I have Kat Sanders guest blogging. Please be sure to check out her guest post. Guest posts are always welcome, please contact me.

These are tough times, what with the number of jobs that are disappearing and the millions of people who are being laid off. What’s more, entire industries are being affected and organizations forced to close down. The dreams that were built on flimsy foundations have now come crashing to the ground and we’re being forced to reevaluate our spending habits and the way we manage money. But even amidst all this chaos, there are some industries that are recession proof, and education is one among these. E-learning initiatives have always been appreciated by both the student and working communities, both as a way to gain an initial education and as a way to continue to accumulate skills. And even in a recession, this is one industry that is not affected too badly, because:

1. This is a time when people seek to develop new skills:
When you’re out of a job, you either tend to mope around and feel sorry for yourself or do something proactive and seek to utilize your time wisely by enhancing your skills through an education. Even if you still have a job, you’re looking to cement your position and advance by furthering your knowledge and earning another degree.

2. E-learning is more cost effective and convenient:
The fact that you can learn at anytime, anywhere is the best advertisement for e-learning. When you’re free to learn at your own pace and set your own schedules, when you can study from the comfort of your own home and not have to go out to another place to do so, you feel more inclined to learn and gain a more advanced degree. Besides this, e-learning is also more cost-effective than regular learning, a fact that is alluring in these times when money is hard to come by and every penny has to be spent wisely.

3. The offerings available will become more competitive:
With a larger number of people showing an interest in enhancing their skills with a degree or through other e-learning ventures, the providers of this service will be pushed to deliver more competitive offerings that are suited to the requirements, needs and budgets of organizations. They will also strive to provide courses that are tailor made for small and medium businesses and for particular industries.

E-learning is one initiative that will definitely stand the test of time, and as long as there are computers and learning programs around, this method of education will always find takers.

About The Engineering A Better World Blog
The Engineering A Better World Blog is about applying the general principles of engineering; testing, method, research, creativity, and artistry, to our world in a very practical way. By highlighting the creative work of others and by presenting new ideas, we'll attempt to improve the world around us in our little way.
Practically speaking, we'll cover new ideas, highlight people who are making a difference, and provide resources to inspire you and give you the resources to assist you in changing the world for the better as well.

This article is written by Kat Sanders, who regularly blogs on the topic of online engineering degree at her blog The Engineering A Better World Blog.

Kat Sanders welcomes your comments and questions.

Many thanks to Kat Sanders.

Enjoy your reading!

3 Reasons Why E-Learning is not affected By a Recession

Today I have Kat Sanders guest blogging. Please be sure to check out her guest post. Guest posts are always welcome, please contact me.

These are tough times, what with the number of jobs that are disappearing and the millions of people who are being laid off. What’s more, entire industries are being affected and organizations forced to close down. The dreams that were built on flimsy foundations have now come crashing to the ground and we’re being forced to reevaluate our spending habits and the way we manage money. But even amidst all this chaos, there are some industries that are recession proof, and education is one among these. E-learning initiatives have always been appreciated by both the student and working communities, both as a way to gain an initial education and as a way to continue to accumulate skills. And even in a recession, this is one industry that is not affected too badly, because:

1. This is a time when people seek to develop new skills:
When you’re out of a job, you either tend to mope around and feel sorry for yourself or do something proactive and seek to utilize your time wisely by enhancing your skills through an education. Even if you still have a job, you’re looking to cement your position and advance by furthering your knowledge and earning another degree.

2. E-learning is more cost effective and convenient:
The fact that you can learn at anytime, anywhere is the best advertisement for e-learning. When you’re free to learn at your own pace and set your own schedules, when you can study from the comfort of your own home and not have to go out to another place to do so, you feel more inclined to learn and gain a more advanced degree. Besides this, e-learning is also more cost-effective than regular learning, a fact that is alluring in these times when money is hard to come by and every penny has to be spent wisely.

3. The offerings available will become more competitive:
With a larger number of people showing an interest in enhancing their skills with a degree or through other e-learning ventures, the providers of this service will be pushed to deliver more competitive offerings that are suited to the requirements, needs and budgets of organizations. They will also strive to provide courses that are tailor made for small and medium businesses and for particular industries.

E-learning is one initiative that will definitely stand the test of time, and as long as there are computers and learning programs around, this method of education will always find takers.

About The Engineering A Better World Blog
The Engineering A Better World Blog is about applying the general principles of engineering; testing, method, research, creativity, and artistry, to our world in a very practical way. By highlighting the creative work of others and by presenting new ideas, we'll attempt to improve the world around us in our little way.
Practically speaking, we'll cover new ideas, highlight people who are making a difference, and provide resources to inspire you and give you the resources to assist you in changing the world for the better as well.

This article is written by Kat Sanders, who regularly blogs on the topic of online engineering degree at her blog The Engineering A Better World Blog.

Kat Sanders welcomes your comments and questions.

Many thanks to Kat Sanders.

Enjoy your reading!