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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Using Digital Storytelling for Creative and Innovative e-Learning by Nalin Sharda

Don't miss this article in the eLearn Magazine about how creativity and innovation can be enhanced with e-learning systems based on digital storytelling.

A story creation model called movement-oriented design (MOD) is introduced for systematically developing effective digital stories, in conjunction with story creation principles articulated by Robert McKee, a Hollywood guru of script writing.
Using e-learning content that encourages learners to be creative and innovative requires innovative pedagogy.This innovative pedagogy can be developed by using digital storytelling. These digital stories need to be engaging with a well defined spine, and a moving narrative to keep the learner engaged. McKee Principles can be used to achieve this. However, how to encourage creativity, and inculcate the spirit of innovation through e-learning content, needs further exploring.

About the Author

Nalin Sharda holds a BTech. and a PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Presently he teaches and leads research in multimedia systems and human computer interaction at Victoria University, Australia. He has held visiting positions at Aachen University in Germany, Karlstad University in Sweden, Jaypee University of Information Technology in India, and Florida Atlantic University in the U.S.

Source: eLearn Magazine

Using Digital Storytelling for Creative and Innovative e-Learning by Nalin Sharda

Don't miss this article in the eLearn Magazine about how creativity and innovation can be enhanced with e-learning systems based on digital storytelling.

A story creation model called movement-oriented design (MOD) is introduced for systematically developing effective digital stories, in conjunction with story creation principles articulated by Robert McKee, a Hollywood guru of script writing.
Using e-learning content that encourages learners to be creative and innovative requires innovative pedagogy.This innovative pedagogy can be developed by using digital storytelling. These digital stories need to be engaging with a well defined spine, and a moving narrative to keep the learner engaged. McKee Principles can be used to achieve this. However, how to encourage creativity, and inculcate the spirit of innovation through e-learning content, needs further exploring.

About the Author

Nalin Sharda holds a BTech. and a PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Presently he teaches and leads research in multimedia systems and human computer interaction at Victoria University, Australia. He has held visiting positions at Aachen University in Germany, Karlstad University in Sweden, Jaypee University of Information Technology in India, and Florida Atlantic University in the U.S.

Source: eLearn Magazine

Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, Volume 11, Number 2, April 2010

TOJDE is appeared on your screen as Volume 11, Number: 2.
Don't miss these articles.

This is the second issue of the year 2010. In this issue it is published four Notes for Editor, fourteen articles and four book reviews. And this time, 37 authors from 8 different countries are placed. These published articles are from Greece, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, USA and Turkey.

Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, Volume 11, Number 2, April 2010

TOJDE is appeared on your screen as Volume 11, Number: 2.
Don't miss these articles.

This is the second issue of the year 2010. In this issue it is published four Notes for Editor, fourteen articles and four book reviews. And this time, 37 authors from 8 different countries are placed. These published articles are from Greece, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, USA and Turkey.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Newsletter - April 2010

The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.
Take a look at this interesting line-up below.

OPEN FORUM on Social inclusion, social media and the future of language education. Rethinking social inclusion through Web 2.0. What’s in hold for the future of language education? For the EU-funded Network “Language learning and social media: 6 key dialogues” (LS6 network), social media is a genuine field of transition, evolution and exploration of boundaries between social networking tools, human activity and learning, namely language learning. We would now like to extend this debate further. Please join the discussion and share your views with us in this open forum!

The main purpose of the ELBEP project is to solve communication problems of European prison staffs with foreign prisoners in Germany, Belgium and Greece. Prison staff learning a native language of the foreign prisoners shall initiate steps for mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue. Through their second language education via an e-Learning environment (second language portals: Russian, Polish, Spanish, Greek and Turkish) the staff shall promote social cohesion as regards both rehabilitation and lives after release.

ELEARNING AFRICA 2010, 26-28 May 2010.

Moving to Zambia in 2010, eLearning Africa continues to build and expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education and training in Africa, including management and policymaking. As with the previous conferences, eLearning Africa 2010 will be conducted in both English and French.

The forum will feature two high-profile events: The 8th international ePortfolio conference will address the use of ePortfolio among others in healthcare education and practice, employability and organisational learning. Meanwhile, the participants in the 4th Key Competencies conference will learn and exchange ideas about active citizenship, economic innovation and accreditation.

MEDIA AND LEARNING CONFERENCE 2010. 25-26 November 2010.

Bringing together practitioners and policy makers, this two day conference will highlight the latest developments, services and uses of media in education and training. This event will incorporate the annual MEDEA Awards.

Selected articles

Compendium of Good Practices in Mathematics, Science & Technology
The examples of good practices presented in this compendium are extracted from the initiatives experienced during the Peer Learning Activities organised by the host countries in cooperation with DG...

Twelve years of measuring linguistic diversity in the Internet: balance and perspectives
Written by Daniel Pimienta, Daniel Prado and Alvaro Blanco, this publication is an update to the previous UNESCO study on this subject that was issued for the World Summit on the Information Society...

Study on Social Computing and Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities: Usage Trends and Implications
This report explores the research hypothesis that the shift from Web 1.0 solutions (exemplified by web portals, forums etc.) to Web 2.0 services (specifically blogs and online social networks) leads...

Source: Newsletter - April 2010

The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.
Take a look at this interesting line-up below.

OPEN FORUM on Social inclusion, social media and the future of language education. Rethinking social inclusion through Web 2.0. What’s in hold for the future of language education? For the EU-funded Network “Language learning and social media: 6 key dialogues” (LS6 network), social media is a genuine field of transition, evolution and exploration of boundaries between social networking tools, human activity and learning, namely language learning. We would now like to extend this debate further. Please join the discussion and share your views with us in this open forum!

The main purpose of the ELBEP project is to solve communication problems of European prison staffs with foreign prisoners in Germany, Belgium and Greece. Prison staff learning a native language of the foreign prisoners shall initiate steps for mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue. Through their second language education via an e-Learning environment (second language portals: Russian, Polish, Spanish, Greek and Turkish) the staff shall promote social cohesion as regards both rehabilitation and lives after release.

ELEARNING AFRICA 2010, 26-28 May 2010.

Moving to Zambia in 2010, eLearning Africa continues to build and expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education and training in Africa, including management and policymaking. As with the previous conferences, eLearning Africa 2010 will be conducted in both English and French.

The forum will feature two high-profile events: The 8th international ePortfolio conference will address the use of ePortfolio among others in healthcare education and practice, employability and organisational learning. Meanwhile, the participants in the 4th Key Competencies conference will learn and exchange ideas about active citizenship, economic innovation and accreditation.

MEDIA AND LEARNING CONFERENCE 2010. 25-26 November 2010.

Bringing together practitioners and policy makers, this two day conference will highlight the latest developments, services and uses of media in education and training. This event will incorporate the annual MEDEA Awards.

Selected articles

Compendium of Good Practices in Mathematics, Science & Technology
The examples of good practices presented in this compendium are extracted from the initiatives experienced during the Peer Learning Activities organised by the host countries in cooperation with DG...

Twelve years of measuring linguistic diversity in the Internet: balance and perspectives
Written by Daniel Pimienta, Daniel Prado and Alvaro Blanco, this publication is an update to the previous UNESCO study on this subject that was issued for the World Summit on the Information Society...

Study on Social Computing and Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities: Usage Trends and Implications
This report explores the research hypothesis that the shift from Web 1.0 solutions (exemplified by web portals, forums etc.) to Web 2.0 services (specifically blogs and online social networks) leads...


eLearning Papers n° 19 (2010)

Please have a look at this issue of eLearning Papers.

Technology Enhanced Learning Against Social Exclusion

We are increasingly migrating into cyberspace. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are part of our everyday life and permeate many activities, such as working environments, daily communications and relationships, handling of administrative affairs, etc. They have become a basic priority and a key driver in politics, economics and -more significantly for this issue- education. However, it is necessary to promote further digital equity in order to enhance social inclusion in/through this migrating process.
Today many agree that most conceptions of digital inequity or the so-called digital divide need to be reassessed, as the sole provision of hardware, software and Internet access is not a guarantee of eInclusion and enhanced social inclusion. In fact, we need to make sure that they are effectively integrated into communities, institutions and societies, and used by citizens in order to engage in meaningful social practices (Warschauer, 2003 ).


Empowering Language Minorities through Technology: Which Way to Go?
By Melinda Dooly

From cheating to teaching: a path for conversion of illegal gambling machines
By Juarez Bento da Silva, Gustavo Ribeiro Alves and João Bosco da Mota Alves

Digital technologies and inclusive schooling
By Ana Isabel Ruiz López

How new technologies can help with ‘invisible disabilities’
By Giovanni Torrisi and Sonia Piangerelli

Using ICT and electronic music to reduce school drop out in Europe
By Franco Alvaro

Download eLearning Papers n° 19. (PDF)


eLearning Papers n° 19 (2010)

Please have a look at this issue of eLearning Papers.

Technology Enhanced Learning Against Social Exclusion

We are increasingly migrating into cyberspace. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are part of our everyday life and permeate many activities, such as working environments, daily communications and relationships, handling of administrative affairs, etc. They have become a basic priority and a key driver in politics, economics and -more significantly for this issue- education. However, it is necessary to promote further digital equity in order to enhance social inclusion in/through this migrating process.
Today many agree that most conceptions of digital inequity or the so-called digital divide need to be reassessed, as the sole provision of hardware, software and Internet access is not a guarantee of eInclusion and enhanced social inclusion. In fact, we need to make sure that they are effectively integrated into communities, institutions and societies, and used by citizens in order to engage in meaningful social practices (Warschauer, 2003 ).


Empowering Language Minorities through Technology: Which Way to Go?
By Melinda Dooly

From cheating to teaching: a path for conversion of illegal gambling machines
By Juarez Bento da Silva, Gustavo Ribeiro Alves and João Bosco da Mota Alves

Digital technologies and inclusive schooling
By Ana Isabel Ruiz López

How new technologies can help with ‘invisible disabilities’
By Giovanni Torrisi and Sonia Piangerelli

Using ICT and electronic music to reduce school drop out in Europe
By Franco Alvaro

Download eLearning Papers n° 19. (PDF)


Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Book Looks at the "iGeneration"

Below is an excellent book that should be read by all parents who want to understand how their children live online.

"Right behind the Net Generation is the “iGeneration” named after all the available devices with an “i” – iPod, iPhone, iTouch, iEverything – plus these children's thirst for any new mobile technology" writes Dr. Larry Rosen on his blog "The Psychology of Technology"

Look around at today’s youth and you can see how technology has changed their lives. They lie on their beds and study while listening to mp3 players, texting and chatting online with friends, and reading and posting Facebook messages. How does the new, charged-up, multitasking generation respond to traditional textbooks and lectures? Are we effectively reaching today’s technologically advanced youth?

How does this charged-up, multitasking generation respond to traditional textbooks and lectures? Are we effectively reaching today's technologically advanced youth? Rewired is the first book to help educators teach to this new generation's radically different learning styles and needs.

This book will also help parents learn what to expect from their "techie" children concerning school, homework, and even socialization. In short, it is a book that exposes the impact of generational differences on learning while providing strategies for engaging students at school and at home.
Published on: 2010-04-30

About Dr. Larry D. Rosen

Dr. Rosen is Past Chair and Professor of Psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills. He is a research psychologist, computer educator and is recognized as an international expert in the "Psychology of Technology." Over the past 25 years, Dr. Rosen and his colleagues have examined reactions to technology among more than 30,000 children, teens, college students, parents, business managers, secretaries, school teachers, and university administrators in the United States and in 23 other countries.
He has written four books, dozens of articles for professional journals, has given national and international presentations and writes a column for the bi-monthly newspaper The National Psychologist. He has been awarded numerous federal and local grants, including over $280,000 from the U.S. Department of Education for the study and treatment of technophobia. For his research, teaching and university service, Dr. Rosen has been honored twice in the past decade as one of the Outstanding Professors in the California State University system.

Enjoy Your Reading!

New Book Looks at the "iGeneration"

Below is an excellent book that should be read by all parents who want to understand how their children live online.

"Right behind the Net Generation is the “iGeneration” named after all the available devices with an “i” – iPod, iPhone, iTouch, iEverything – plus these children's thirst for any new mobile technology" writes Dr. Larry Rosen on his blog "The Psychology of Technology"

Look around at today’s youth and you can see how technology has changed their lives. They lie on their beds and study while listening to mp3 players, texting and chatting online with friends, and reading and posting Facebook messages. How does the new, charged-up, multitasking generation respond to traditional textbooks and lectures? Are we effectively reaching today’s technologically advanced youth?

How does this charged-up, multitasking generation respond to traditional textbooks and lectures? Are we effectively reaching today's technologically advanced youth? Rewired is the first book to help educators teach to this new generation's radically different learning styles and needs.

This book will also help parents learn what to expect from their "techie" children concerning school, homework, and even socialization. In short, it is a book that exposes the impact of generational differences on learning while providing strategies for engaging students at school and at home.
Published on: 2010-04-30

About Dr. Larry D. Rosen

Dr. Rosen is Past Chair and Professor of Psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills. He is a research psychologist, computer educator and is recognized as an international expert in the "Psychology of Technology." Over the past 25 years, Dr. Rosen and his colleagues have examined reactions to technology among more than 30,000 children, teens, college students, parents, business managers, secretaries, school teachers, and university administrators in the United States and in 23 other countries.
He has written four books, dozens of articles for professional journals, has given national and international presentations and writes a column for the bi-monthly newspaper The National Psychologist. He has been awarded numerous federal and local grants, including over $280,000 from the U.S. Department of Education for the study and treatment of technophobia. For his research, teaching and university service, Dr. Rosen has been honored twice in the past decade as one of the Outstanding Professors in the California State University system.

Enjoy Your Reading!

Author Larry Rosen: ‘iGeneration’ requires a different approach to instruction

Today’s students have grown up with constant tech access and prefer to multitask, says psychology professor Larry Rosen
By Maya T. Prabhu, Assistant Editor

Today’s middle and high school students learn much differently from students just a few years older—and that’s mainly because they’ve never known a world without the internet or cell phones, says psychology professor and author Larry D. Rosen, whose research could give educators valuable insights into the needs of today’s learners.

A new book by Larry Rosen asserts that students who have grown up with constant access to mobile technologies learn—and need to be taught—differently

Children born in the 1990s, dubbed the “iGeneration” by Rosen, live in a time of rapidly changing technology, in which they are constantly connected to a number of mobile technologies. Rosen said the “i” stands for both the technologies these students use—such as the iPod, iPhone, and Wii—and the individualized ways in which students use these tools.

Related link
Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
The Children of Cyberspace: Old Fogies by Their 20s

Source: eSchool News

Author Larry Rosen: ‘iGeneration’ requires a different approach to instruction

Today’s students have grown up with constant tech access and prefer to multitask, says psychology professor Larry Rosen
By Maya T. Prabhu, Assistant Editor

Today’s middle and high school students learn much differently from students just a few years older—and that’s mainly because they’ve never known a world without the internet or cell phones, says psychology professor and author Larry D. Rosen, whose research could give educators valuable insights into the needs of today’s learners.

A new book by Larry Rosen asserts that students who have grown up with constant access to mobile technologies learn—and need to be taught—differently

Children born in the 1990s, dubbed the “iGeneration” by Rosen, live in a time of rapidly changing technology, in which they are constantly connected to a number of mobile technologies. Rosen said the “i” stands for both the technologies these students use—such as the iPod, iPhone, and Wii—and the individualized ways in which students use these tools.

Related link
Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
The Children of Cyberspace: Old Fogies by Their 20s

Source: eSchool News

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Look at the New Virtual Learning Video Today at the Top of My Weblog

About Helge Scherlund's Virtual Learning Video Today

Watch this video and learn why experts say virtual learning is pedagogically sound and creates a novel learning experience. See examples of virtual learning and hear from online students.

Related link
mw13921's Channel

Source: YouTube

Look at the New Virtual Learning Video Today at the Top of My Weblog

About Helge Scherlund's Virtual Learning Video Today

Watch this video and learn why experts say virtual learning is pedagogically sound and creates a novel learning experience. See examples of virtual learning and hear from online students.

Related link
mw13921's Channel

Source: YouTube

Strategies for K-12 Technology Leaders

Strategies for K-12 Technology Leaders

One-to-One Computing Has Failed Our Expectations by Cathleen Norris and Elliot Soloway

One-to-one computing has not lived up to its expectations. Providing each student with a laptop computer has not resulted in significant achievement gains.

In an analysis of previous studies on 1:1, Boston College researchers found that the impact of a one-to-one computing implementation is largely a function of the classroom teacher. Some teachers know how to make good use of a one-toone situation, and some don’t. If extracting value from an innovation is dependent on the teacher, then the value added by the innovation per se is limited.

Source: District Administration

One-to-One Computing Has Failed Our Expectations by Cathleen Norris and Elliot Soloway

One-to-one computing has not lived up to its expectations. Providing each student with a laptop computer has not resulted in significant achievement gains.

In an analysis of previous studies on 1:1, Boston College researchers found that the impact of a one-to-one computing implementation is largely a function of the classroom teacher. Some teachers know how to make good use of a one-toone situation, and some don’t. If extracting value from an innovation is dependent on the teacher, then the value added by the innovation per se is limited.

Source: District Administration

Latest Technology & Learning's eBooks

Here’s the latest Technology & Learning's eBooks below.

Improving Learning Outcomes: Challenges and Solutions for 2010 and Beyond

Educators face many daunting challenges improving learning outcomes and achieving student improvement in their districts and communities. Schools and school districts are asked—and are trying — to do more with less. In this report, you'll find information and tools to plan your approach to envisioning and implementing strategic change for your institution.

What's Inside the eBook:

Preparing Young Children for a Lifetime of Learning

A solid early-childhood education will help students develop the academic and social skills they need to become strong learners. Using technology to help children develop cognitive, social, and motor skills can help them in upper grades and beyond. This eBook provides information on an exciting new technology that allows teachers to reach different types of learners and promote the necessary skills each child needs to be successful.

What's Inside the eBook:

Latest Technology & Learning's eBooks

Here’s the latest Technology & Learning's eBooks below.

Improving Learning Outcomes: Challenges and Solutions for 2010 and Beyond

Educators face many daunting challenges improving learning outcomes and achieving student improvement in their districts and communities. Schools and school districts are asked—and are trying — to do more with less. In this report, you'll find information and tools to plan your approach to envisioning and implementing strategic change for your institution.

What's Inside the eBook:

Preparing Young Children for a Lifetime of Learning

A solid early-childhood education will help students develop the academic and social skills they need to become strong learners. Using technology to help children develop cognitive, social, and motor skills can help them in upper grades and beyond. This eBook provides information on an exciting new technology that allows teachers to reach different types of learners and promote the necessary skills each child needs to be successful.

What's Inside the eBook:

Panel: Cell phones have much potential in classrooms

New paper reports that students' cell phone use is growing, and educators should harness the power of mobile devices
By Maya T. Prabhu, Assistant Editor

Teachers are finding interesting and creative ways to include mobile phones in classroom instruction in an effort to bridge the divide between the technologies children use at home and what they use in school, education technology experts say.

Teachers should embrace the technology that students use outside of school while creating compelling lessons, panelists said

Common Sense Media hosted a series of panel discussions April 21 that examined how mobile technology can both help and hinder children’s development and education.

Kipp Rogers, principal of Passage Middle School in Newport News, Va., said students at his school have used cell phones in class for the past three years. The practice began when he was teaching a math class and did not have enough calculators for every student during a test, until he realized he had a calculator on his PDA.
He said he asked the students to get their cell phones from their lockers; Passage’s policy had been that students can have phones on campus, but they must be turned off and kept in lockers. Rogers said that after letting students use their cell phones on the test, he started letting them use their phones every Friday.
“And the students began to come to me with ideas for new ways they could use their phones, like, ‘We can take pictures of the homework and send it to the students [who] were absent,’” he said.

Related links
Common Sense Media
Passage Middle School

Source: eSchool News

Panel: Cell phones have much potential in classrooms

New paper reports that students' cell phone use is growing, and educators should harness the power of mobile devices
By Maya T. Prabhu, Assistant Editor

Teachers are finding interesting and creative ways to include mobile phones in classroom instruction in an effort to bridge the divide between the technologies children use at home and what they use in school, education technology experts say.

Teachers should embrace the technology that students use outside of school while creating compelling lessons, panelists said

Common Sense Media hosted a series of panel discussions April 21 that examined how mobile technology can both help and hinder children’s development and education.

Kipp Rogers, principal of Passage Middle School in Newport News, Va., said students at his school have used cell phones in class for the past three years. The practice began when he was teaching a math class and did not have enough calculators for every student during a test, until he realized he had a calculator on his PDA.
He said he asked the students to get their cell phones from their lockers; Passage’s policy had been that students can have phones on campus, but they must be turned off and kept in lockers. Rogers said that after letting students use their cell phones on the test, he started letting them use their phones every Friday.
“And the students began to come to me with ideas for new ways they could use their phones, like, ‘We can take pictures of the homework and send it to the students [who] were absent,’” he said.

Related links
Common Sense Media
Passage Middle School

Source: eSchool News

Tech & Learning Top Stories: The Hottest Stories That Everyone's Reading

Please, take a look and find out what is hot right now?

Check out the Top 10 Most Read Stories on

1. Are you simply marching to the beat of the App drum? Can you IEAR it? »
Google Earth in the Science Classroom »
Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally »
Major Updates to Google Docs »
21st Century Skills: Will Our Students be Prepared? »
The Day the Nings Died »
7. Top 10 Tools to Create Digital Books »
100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) »
Report profiles key emerging technologies for K-12 »
How Do We Motivate Students? »

Tech & Learning Top Stories: The Hottest Stories That Everyone's Reading

Please, take a look and find out what is hot right now?

Check out the Top 10 Most Read Stories on

1. Are you simply marching to the beat of the App drum? Can you IEAR it? »
Google Earth in the Science Classroom »
Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally »
Major Updates to Google Docs »
21st Century Skills: Will Our Students be Prepared? »
The Day the Nings Died »
7. Top 10 Tools to Create Digital Books »
100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) »
Report profiles key emerging technologies for K-12 »
How Do We Motivate Students? »

E-Learning Delivery Debated

New theories within virtual learning are bridging the divide between synchronous and asynchronous instructional methods.
“The online model is really designed to be flexible for the individual student,” said Pam Birtolo, the chief learning officer of the Orlando-based Florida Virtual School, or FLVS, which is seen as a trendsetter in virtual education. “I don’t know that you can separate the two anymore.”

Though synchronous and asynchronous means of instruction are no longer at theoretical odds, considering the benefits of each approach is still important, educators say. And it’s especially important to be aware of ways to incorporate both approaches when possible, such as maintaining archives of a one-time live webinar or prompting a message-board discussion around a video presentation.

More Education Week Stories
Blended or hybrid approach is a tactic that experts say is one of the fastest-growing areas of online coursetaking.

The report aims to highlight the progress made in the e-learning arena, as well as the administrative, funding, and policy barriers that some experts say are slowing the growth of this form of education below.

Download this FREE digital edition

E-Learning Delivery Debated

New theories within virtual learning are bridging the divide between synchronous and asynchronous instructional methods.
“The online model is really designed to be flexible for the individual student,” said Pam Birtolo, the chief learning officer of the Orlando-based Florida Virtual School, or FLVS, which is seen as a trendsetter in virtual education. “I don’t know that you can separate the two anymore.”

Though synchronous and asynchronous means of instruction are no longer at theoretical odds, considering the benefits of each approach is still important, educators say. And it’s especially important to be aware of ways to incorporate both approaches when possible, such as maintaining archives of a one-time live webinar or prompting a message-board discussion around a video presentation.

More Education Week Stories
Blended or hybrid approach is a tactic that experts say is one of the fastest-growing areas of online coursetaking.

The report aims to highlight the progress made in the e-learning arena, as well as the administrative, funding, and policy barriers that some experts say are slowing the growth of this form of education below.

Download this FREE digital edition