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Saturday, July 10, 2021

It's robots vs. robots at Asia-Pacific tech challenge for high schoolers | Local - Times Colonist

A group of Greater Victoria high school students is ­competing with teams from around the world in the Asia-Pacific FIRST Tech Challenge ­Championships, a robotics competition for ­students in Grades 7 to 12, observes Pedro Arrais, Authors, Times Colonist.

From left, team members Amren Kareer, 15, Bryce Kong, 15, Ishaan Kareer, 16, Mythri Ushettige, 17, Joel Vermes, 17, and Hanson Chan, 17, with their robot. They are competing against teams from around the world in the Asia-Pacific FIRST Tech Challenge Championships.
Photo: Darren Stone, TIMES COLONIST

The FIX IT Robotics team is made up of seven students from high schools in the region, competing by video link from the Vancouver Island Technology Park on the time schedule for Australia, where the competition is based...

The group has designed, constructed and programmed a robot — roughly the size of a microwave oven — using a kit of parts...

The team’s lead programmer is Ines Khouinder, 18, who just graduated from St. Margaret’s School. She assumed the position when she was in Grade 10 after her predecessor graduated from Grade 12.

Although she knew that STEM — Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics — was a male-dominated field, Khouinder said she was determined to join. She had become interested in computer programming after a summer program in Grade 9.

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Source: Times Colonist 

Schools Rule: Building futures with robotics | Schools Rule - WILX

Kylie Khan, Anchor/Reporter summarizes, Students in the Haslett School District are coming off a big win. The Robotics Club won the state championship title this spring, but they’re not taking any time off for the summer.

Photo: Screenshot from Schools Rule: Building futures with robotics's Video

Ilaria and Aikem were inspired by their older brothers to join the Haslett Robotics Club.

Aikem said, “My brother started the year before me. I found it interesting, just going in the basement and seeing what he’s up to.”...

The future is looking bright for the next generation of engineers.

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Source: WILX

Google launches Artificial Intelligence academy for small newsrooms | Journalism - Free Press Journal

In a bid to help small media publishers reach new audiences and drive more traffic to their content, the Google News Initiative (GNI) has launched a training academy for 20 media professionals to learn how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to support their journalism, reports IANS.

Google is partnering with Polis, the London School of Economics and Political Science's journalism think tank, to launch the training academy.
Photo: Social Media

Google is partnering with Polis, the London School of Economics and Political Science's journalism think tank, to launch the training academy, it said in a statement on Thursday.

The AI Academy for Small Newsrooms is a six-week long, free online programme taught by industry-leading journalists and researchers who work at the intersection of journalism and AI.

It will start in September this year and will welcome journalists and developers from small news organisations in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region...

More than 110,000 participants have already taken the online training modules available on the Google News Initiative Training Centre.

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Source: Free Press Journal

Artificial intelligence bringing education into digital age | Lenovo - SHINE

East China Normal University signed agreements with Microsoft and Lenovo today during the ongoing World Artificial Intelligence Conference to empower education with artificial intelligence by Yang Meiping, Metro Reporter.

The agreements were signed at an education-themed forum during the event, which focused on how AI can empower the digital transformation of education.

The cooperation between the university and Microsoft Research Asia aims to advance research capabilities and conduct leading-edge research in academia and industry, as well as cultivate and attract high-end talent from across the world.

According to Microsoft Research Asia, the two parties have developed an intelligent Chinese writing assistance system previously, with which students can have their writings assessed and analyzed to improve writing skills...

The two parties aim to build the park into a highland for intelligent education to facilitate the development of other core industries, such as AI, biomedicine and integrated circuits.

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Source: SHINE

Can machine learning bring more diversity to STEM? | AI / Machine Learning - Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Postdoctoral researcher will use AI to study implicit bias in middle school students, according to Adam Zewe, Communications Manager at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 

Photo: Haewon Jeong

Even though progress has been made over the past decades, gender and racial disparities in STEM (science, technology, math, and engineering) fields continue to persist.

A 2021 Pew Research study found that only 9 percent and 8 percent of STEM jobs are held by Black and Hispanic workers, respectively. And while the study found that women hold 50 percent of all STEM jobs (including health-related jobs), the percentages are far lower for jobs in physical sciences (40 percent), computing (25 percent), and engineering (15 percent).

Could machine learning help researchers better understand the factors that contribute to those disparities? Or are machine-learning tools partly to blame for the gender and racial discrepancies in STEM? Haewon Jeong, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Flavio Calmon, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, is embarking on a research study to explore both questions...

While the algorithms may provide valuable insights, the risks the technology poses when applied to testing, grading, and class placement inspired Jeong to study the downsides of machine learning.

“Machine learning can be a double-edge sword,” she said. “If you just use machine learning without care, you can induce more bias.”

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Source: Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

The Future of Deep Learning | Deep Learning - Analytics Insight

Apoorva Bellapu, A content writer by passion says, When thinking of technology, one cannot go without talking about deep learning. 

Photo: Analytics Insight

Needless to say, deep learning has become one of the most critical aspects of technology. Gone are the days when organizations alone used to show interest in technologies like AI, deep learning, machine learning, etc. Today, even individuals are inclined towards the very aspect of technology, deep learning in particular. One of the many reasons why deep learning draws all the attention is because of its ability to enable improved data-driven decisions and also improve the accuracy of the predictions made.

In a nutshell, companies are in a position to reap out various financial and operational benefits by virtue of deep learning. With many deep learning innovations proliferating with time, it makes every possible sense to have a clear picture as to how does the future of deep learning looks like...

What everything boils down to is the fact that as a result of the growing popularity of deep learning and with the advancement in technology, by the end of this decade, the deep learning industry will simplify its offerings considerably so that they’re comprehensible and useful to the average developer.

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Source: Analytics Insight

Everything You’ve Ever Known is Statistics | Statistics - Medium

Information is never without uncertainty, argues Tim Andersen, Ph.D., Research in general relativity and quantum field theory, published in Cantor's Paradise.

Photo: Alex Chambers on Unsplash

The brain is an amazingly complex machine for processing information. Whatever your philosophy of mind is, you can’t deny that it depends in large part on the brain’s ability to process incoming signal data and convert that data into higher level understanding.

These days brain-inspired techniques have taken over Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a way that they never had decades ago.

Yet, skepticism over neural networks and their ability to mimic human intelligence remains strong, particularly among those with a strong mathematical background, because neural networks are, fundamentally, statistical instruments. They are nothing more nor less than a way of determining statistics from data and then mining those statistical insights for factors. Even decision making, which seems like a non-statistical activity, is statistical in that it represents the correlation between two spaces: that of data and that of decisions.

This article, however, is not about artificial intelligence but about the very nature of information. The overarching thesis is that all empirical knowledge is statistical...

This is why everything you’ve ever known is essentially statistical.

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Source: Medium    

Friday, July 09, 2021

200+ women scientists and schoolgirls closing gender gap in STEM | Mathematics - Mirage News

National STEM camps for girls double their reach across Australia by Australian Science Innovations.

Women in STEM mentor 128 schoolgirls in science and technology.

One hundred and twenty-eight schoolgirls from across Australia, including 90 from regional towns in every state and territory, are completing six months of extension learning and mentoring this week in national camps that have immersed underrepresented girls in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

The high-potential year 9 and 10 students have explored all aspects of STEM through lectures, experiments, workshops, coaching and networking, all delivered for the first time online to combat the impact of COVID-19...

Students have participated in intensive modules of learning across physics, digital technology, chemistry, biology, mathematics, engineering and Earth and environmental science. They have worked with their mentors on projects over a six-month period.

Some of the students’ projects this year have included learning about and applying computer programming, investigating mathematical theories, researching public health issues, analysing Anglo-Australian Telescope data to calculate the mass of dark matter in a galaxy, and learning about data science and its industrial applications. 

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Source: Mirage News 

“WHY” mathematics is the future | India Blogs - The Times of India

Manan Khurma, founder and CEO of Cuemath summarizes, Look around you carefully, there is math everywhere. 

Even when we use search engines like google or avail of a discount online, consult recommendations before buying a product, watch a favorite movie on an OTT platform, or even understand how a virus becomes a pandemic, it’s all math. So, if you get your math right, you will find an answer to many “Whys” or questions that bombard our minds.

Math is a crucial life skill

There is a lot more to math than finding the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle or solving an equation. Math is much more than our school curriculum where we apply memorized formulas to problems and focus on getting the solution. Math is about understanding automation and computational thinking. Never has math been more important like a skill than today and the way the future looks, math Coding and Data sciences will be the go-to skills in the future..

Most eLearning courses comprise pre-recorded videos or a broadcast to a class with a large number of students. The students are not able to clarify their doubts and the teacher too cannot check how well a student has understood the topic being taught. Collaborative learning and meaningful interaction are lost in this environment. So, naturally, the joy of learning, exploring, and creating is lost in such a mechanical setting.

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Source: The Times of India   

Math 2.0 Day – July 8, 2021 | Special interests - National Today

Math 2.0 Day celebrated every July 8, is a holiday that commemorates the importance of the combination of math and technology.

The day was formed to celebrate the accomplishments made through the combination of the field of math and technology, and how it can benefit the world in the coming years. This means without math, it would have been impossible for us to be provided with the different travel and entertainment mediums we have today. Nor would we have the technology we use to accomplish several everyday work tasks. So if you love how easy technological innovations have made your life, celebrating Math 2.0 Day is a must!...

History of Math 2.0 Day

Math 2.0 day was created in 2009 by the Math Interest Group. The group was created to promote and enable the use of math online. This is essential since math is critical for the advancement of technology, science, and education. The Math Interest Group also collaborates on research and development projects that focus on mathematics education required in the fields of finance, engineering, medicine, and even social sciences. Here’s how math has helped in the development of technological innovations.

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Source: National Today

This Math Explains Why Cauliflowers Look Too Oddly Perfect | Nature - ScienceAlert

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Have you ever stared at a cauliflower before preparing it and got lost in its stunningly beautiful pattern? Probably not, if you are in your right mind, but I reassure you it's worth a try, observes Etienne Farcot, Assistant professor of Mathematics, University of Nottingham.

Photo: Steven Lasry/Unsplash

What you'll find is that what at first sight looks like an amorphous blob has a striking regularity.

If you take a good look, you will see that the many florets look alike and are composed of miniature versions of themselves. In math, we call this property self-similarity, which is a defining feature of abstract geometrical objects called fractals. But why do cauliflowers have this property?

Our new study, published in Science, has come up with an answer...

If you manage to count the spirals, they will typically be numbers somewhere along the Fibonacci sequence, where the next number in the sequence is found by adding up the two numbers before it. This gives 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.

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Source: ScienceAlert

Can Traditional Philosophy Help Us Understand Mind vs. Brain? | Articles - Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Michael Egnor, Professor of Neurosurgery and Pediatrics at State University of New York, Stony Brook asks us to look back to the traditional idea that the soul is the “form” of the body.

Photo: Aristotle

Yesterday, we published the fourth portion of the debate between materialist philosopher David Papineau and neurosurgeon Michael Egnor, where the key issue was “Is the mind simply what the brain does?” Today, we look at the portion which starts roughly at 36 min where Papineau and Egnor start to talk about traditional philosophical ways of thinking about the soul and the body (partial transcript):

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Source: Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence  

Riemann Hypothesis: 161-yr-old Math mystery Hyderabad physicist is waiting to prove he solved | Science - ThePrint

In the movie A Beautiful Mind — a biopic on renowned American mathematician John Nash — the protagonist says “he is making progress” on solving Maths’ greatest mystery: The Riemann Hypothesis by Rishika Sadam, Author at ThePrint.

Hyderabad-based theoretical physicist Dr Kumar Eswaran | Rishika Sadam | ThePrint

Like the American stalwart, many great mathematical minds have tried over a century to crack this ‘big unknown’, more so in recent years after a USD one million prize was announced for the final solution.

Now, 161 years after the hypothesis was forwarded, Hyderabad-based theoretical physicist Dr Kumar Eswaran says he has key proof to the unsolved problem that has baffled mathematicians and physicists the world over.

The hypothesis makes predictions on how to find prime numbers along a numerical spectrum. But so far, it remains a conjecture...

The Riemann Hypothesis: Holy grail or double-edged sword?

The hypothesis is a conjecture made by renowned German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann in a paper in 1859. It is related to the distribution of prime numbers, which are integers divisible just by themselves and by 1.

Riemann’s hypothesis takes forward the work of another noted mathematician (also Riemann’s teacher) Carl Friedrich Gauss. Gauss worked on estimating the primes between zero and any given number.

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Source: ThePrint   

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Explore summer savings on more than 20 e-learning bundles for $20 | The Hill

With the American job market in the midst of a remarkable moment and many industries adjusting the way standard business is conducted since events of the last year, this is an ideal time to boost your professional ambitions by

Photo: The Hill

Unfortunately, such methods of advancement routinely require expensive educational courses or time-consuming training sessions.

Find the right fit at a fantastic price here, as we're currently offering up summer savings on more than 20 e-learning options. These packages each pack plenty of expert insight and detail-oriented content that can be consumed whenever and wherever you want.

Our 4th of July discounts are only around for a limited time, so don't miss an opportunity to maximize your long-term potential.

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Source: The Hill

The Rise of Online Learning: The eLearning Revolution | Stories - Inventiva

Ritika Mallik, Inventiva observes, Learning via the Internet is a trend that has gained popularity behind the closed doors of apartments and offices. How is the online education segment developing? We will answer this question in our article.

Photo: Inventiva

Facts & statistics about online learning  

Online learning is a form of distance learning. It has existed on the market in various forms for decades. Even before the pandemic, Internet education was developing more and more actively every year. Although online learning is more convenient for students for many reasons, they still face the same problems as in offline learning...

While learning over the Internet does not seem like a daunting task, most schools and universities faced significant challenges in the implementation phase. Some of the main difficulties were as follows:

  • The use of technology by the older generation of teachers.
  • Difficulty tracking progress with academic performance.
  • Control over the conduct of tests and exams in a remote format.
  • Access to online educational tools and platforms.
  • The need for additional costs for their implementation.

It was easier for educational institutions that already offered online programs. There are many examples in the USA and Europe. Eight Ivy League universities (including Harvard University, Princeton University, Brown University, and Yale University) have successfully implemented distance learning, albeit with some caveats. Basically, this practice is carried out along with the traditional forms of training. Some universities have previously operated online courses that duplicate the programs of the main specializations.

So far, only the University of Pennsylvania offers a full online education in the American Ivy League educational institutions. Other universities in the country that provide fully online bachelor’s degree programs are:

  • Arizona State University
  • Oregon State University
  • University of Florida
  • Colorado State University
  • Oklahoma University
  • Colorado State University
  • Washington State University
  • University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Pace University

The global market for massive online training courses is predicted to grow by 29% annually from 2021 to 2025 and become the fastest growing industry in the education sector. This means that the market turnover could reach $21.4 billion by 2025...

Many believe that learning over the Internet is booming because of the pandemic. However, this is not quite true. The numbers indicate that the industry has only accelerated in its development, but the trend itself – the widespread introduction of online education, the creation of training courses, and the interaction with teachers without the physical presence in the classroom – has been with us for a long time and, perhaps, it will be with us forever.

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Source: Inventiva

5 Salary Negotiation Strategies to Ask for (and get) What You're Worth | Career success tips - Linkedin Learning Blog

There’s a reason many people dread salary negotiations—it can be really hard to ask for what you’re worth, says Rachel Parnes, Senior Marketing Manager at LinkedIn. 

Photo: Linkedin Learning Blog
But just like any other skill, negotiation is something you can learn, practice, and ultimately master. And especially in a hot job market, where companies are clamoring for the best talent (that’s you!), going into a salary negotiation with the right mindset and communication tools will help you get the compensation package you deserve.

In How to Confidently Negotiate Your Salary, Kwame Christian and Meggie Palmer discuss strategies to help you successfully negotiate, whether you’re getting promoted, seeking a job at another company, or considering a new role at your current company.

The next time you’re in a position to negotiate your pay, try these five strategies from the course. 


Source: Linkedin Learning Blog 

Training for the Legal World: an Educational Tip! | Legal Practice - Lexology

I am not sure what has actually changed; however, something definitely has. When I was at college and law school, I was taught some valuable rules about contacting people for work experience and training by Haresh Sood, Lexology author. 

For example, whenever guest speakers came in, one thing I was told was ‘ask a question to illustrate your determination, dedication and commitment’. Moreover, I was taught to make contact and liaise with people to network and build relationships for the future. Whilst this still may be the case for many, I do find the calibre of trainees and students varies more than ever. Given the level of work experience requests I receive, I have laid out the key qualities the legal profession requires which trainees and work experience students should consider...

The difference in the legal world

Unlike many professions, the legal world works all hours of the day. If you are looking for a 9-5 job or a flexi hours position, the legal world may not be for you. Whilst I appreciate some lawyers work fixed hours in law firms, the majority of them that I know will work erratic times which sometimes are part and parcel of the job; In turn, this means trainees and work experience students may be required to do the same...


In short, I strongly suggest law students pay attention to the changing nature of the legal market. Always research the type of lawyer you will be working with. If you are going to work with a direct access Barrister such as myself, know how the profession works. Moreover, learn about the regulatory rules around the profession and do some research. Finally, listen to what you are given as feedback. You need a thick skin. If you are told to improve on something, work on it (Obviously watch out for people who bully, discriminate, or harass you). I forever thank people who trained me and taught me what I learned, even if it was hard to listen to when being told. Today, I do believe there is a change in attitude now towards working hard. However, if you want to get ahead in law, there is nothing but hard work which can also be very enjoyable.

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Source: Lexology 

Sunday, July 04, 2021

11 indie bookstores you need to visit in Toronto | Curated - Daily Hive

Sean Loughran, addicted to books and write about them on my blog, Avocado Diaries notes, Toronto is known for its great restaurants, sky-high buildings, and world-famous professional sports teams. 

Photo: Courtesy Ben McNally Books

But the city is also home to some fantastic indie bookstores that book lovers won’t want to miss. If you’re ready to curl up with a good book then you’re in luck!

Here are 11 local bookstores in Toronto you need to check out:

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Source: Daily Hive 

Herbie Hancock’s favourite books of all time | Far Out Magazine

From Barack Obama to Stephen Hawking and Quincy Jones, jazz master Herbie Hancock recommends his favourite books of all time by Tom Taylor, Far Out Magazine.

Photo: CBS Television

Herbie Hancock is the William Shakespeare of jazz, in the sense that even the uninitiated recognise his name as a measure of quality. Over the course of his career, he has established himself as a beloved master of the art form who has pushed the genre into the future with forward-thinking innovation and the requisite style to pull it off.

Behind his style is a definite notion of self-expression and expansion. As he said himself, “Don’t be afraid to expand yourself, to step out of your comfort zone. That’s where the joy and the adventure lie.” Clearly, that same notion has impacted his literary tastes and no doubt they have in turn fed into his work in a self-perpetuating cycle of inspiration. 

One of the main books that inspired the musician is Barack Obama’s memoir Dreams From My FatherI’ve had the good fortune to meet President Obama,” he told The Week. “I believe he’s a compassionate man, and my impression of him is compatible with how he describes the flow of his life from his early childhood.”

Another of his bookshelf favourites is FootprintsThe Life and Work of Wayne Shorter by Michelle Mercer. As Hancock explains, “Wayne Shorter is a saxophonist, a wonderful composer, a very bright and extremely creative person, and also my best friend.”...

You can check out all of his recommended reading list below. 

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Source: Far Out Magazine 

58 Great Books To Read This Summer, Recommended By Our Favorite Indie Booksellers | Books - BuzzFeed News

Have a look at these books. 

G.P. Putnam's Sons, Transit Books, Semiotext(e), West Virginia University Press, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Grand Central Publishing, Knopf, Liveright, Melville House, Tom Doherty

Featuring unputdownable thrillers, underrated books in translation, dystopian fiction, piercing criticism, and so much more — this list has something for everyone.

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Source: BuzzFeed News

Summer reading: the 50 hottest new books everyone should read | Culture - The Guardian

Check out these news books.

Photo: Eiko Ojala/The Guardian
From missing lighthouse keepers to the healing power of trees ... 50 new fiction and nonfiction books to enjoy. Plus recent paperbacks to pack and the best children’s stories.

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Source: The Guardian

Saturday, July 03, 2021

The Power of Significant Learning during Course Development | Course Design - Faculty Focus

In the certificate programs I manage, we are engaged in the tumultuous whirlwind of complete curriculum overhaul, argues Vicki Caruana, academic program manager and professor at the School of Professional Studies in the City University of New York. 

Photo: Faculty Focus
At times it does appear as if pieces of the puzzle are swirling in the air above our heads like debris caught up in the funnel of a tornado. Instead of worrying that this is all out of our control, I choose to view the process of putting together a meaningful curriculum for our learners as something a little more elegant.

Employing the process of backward design is one crucial component to this endeavor. The other is significant learning. Significant learning (Fink, 2003) presumes that we first desire that what our learners gain is significant, and not insignificant. As current experts in our fields, we are in a unique position to determine what is considered as significant learning in our disciplines. For our purposes, significant learning is not only determined by the faculty, it is determined as well by our accreditors and other agencies within our discipline to which we are accountable. The professionalization of a field depends on a common agreement of what is significant learning.

Significant learning is more than just deciding what types of learning are significant. We must frame this learning in a taxonomy that offers opportunity to reflect on deeper meaning. Fink (2003) proposed a taxonomy of significant learning that honors Bloom’s taxonomy, yet takes it to a higher level. As an educator in a public institution, I see a clear connection to our mission and vision in this taxonomy (see Figure 1)...

Figure 1
Two types of assessment and feedback enhance the quality of learning:

  • Forward-looking assessment: Incorporates exercises, questions, and/or problems that create a real-life context for a given issue, problem, or decision to be addressed
  • Self-assessment: Creates opportunities for learners to assess their own performance

Coupled with active learning, learner-centered course development is the vehicle for promoting significant learning that is transformational. If you or your colleagues are engaged in any type of course development, consider the tenets of significant learning on which to build.

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Source: Faculty Focus

6 Best Tips for Working as a Remote Team | Workplace Culture - Business 2 Community

Angela Ash, expert content writer, editor and marketer recommends, Remote work is certain to keep expanding, but people new to it often face a couple of conundrums, notably in the case of communication and project management.

Fortunately, the market keeps coming up with advanced remote apps and tools, making remote work as easy as it gets. In the long run, at least...

Here are some tips on how to master the art of working remotely...


Some of these tips are applicable to office work, as well as for remote work. Boosting morale and encouraging communication and engagement is simply the only way forward. While means of delivering the message may be different, the core remains unchanged. Don’t forget anonymous feedback, as it can come in handy in a variety of situations.

Think about remote teams as startups — one large extended family working for shared goals and experiencing all successes and failures together. Rather than forcing the standpoint that everyone is replaceable, take your time to build a remote team where everyone can express their strengths in the best way possible and boost joint efforts in their own unique way.

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Source: Business 2 Community

Pandemic allowing millions of 'digital nomads' to work remotely and travel at the same time | National Politics - The Denver Channel

Madison Morine is a digital nomad. It’s a new title he’s only had since January, but it’s one he’d like to keep by The Denver Channel.

Photo: The Denver Channel

He’s always wanted to take time off from work and travel the country, but the pandemic has allowed him, and millions more, to work remotely and travel at the same time.

“The memories have been fantastic,” said Madison Morine. “I've seen things this year that I’ve never seen before.”...

Morine is part of a growing group of traditional working professionals who are traveling while working remote, or digital nomads. This group grew by 96% from 2019 to 2020 from 3.2 to more than 6.3 million people, according to a study by MBO Partners.

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Source:  The Denver Channel 

Digital nomads: the reality of running a business from anywhere | Flexible working - Financial Times

Vanessa Brown, production journalist at the FT says, Jubril Agoro remembers first hearing the word “coronavirus” last March in Bali, Indonesia. “I was just panicking,” he says. 

Jo Lodge and Farez Rahman relocated to Malaysia from the UK in 2017

After 11 years on the road, the co-founder of financial education business Live Richer Academy and founder of travel video company Passport Heavy rushed to get on a flight back to the US. 

Agoro, 34, is one of a growing number of digital nomads — people who work remotely online and are “location independent”. According to a report by MBO Partners, which supports independent professionals and their clients, their numbers have increased by 49 per cent in the US during the pandemic, rising from 7.3m in 2019 to 10.9m in 2020. The “biggest shift is that traditional job holders have been unleashed from their offices and many, instead of staying in one place, are taking to the road,” the report adds. 

A nomadic life is appealing — and some countries, such as Barbados and Bermuda, are trying to attract more remote workers. But the wider tax implications of working away from your home country are complex. Anyone planning to work abroad long-term needs to get specialist tax advice...

Hopes for the future The digital nomad lifestyle may be an appealing next move for some workers who have unexpectedly become freed from office life. According to MBO Partners’ report, between 2019 and 2020 there was an 18 per cent increase in Americans saying they “plan on becoming digital nomads over the next two to three years”. Agoro says: “One of my biggest goals is just to show people, open people’s minds to, this is possible and it’s a lot easier and more affordable than people even thought.”

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Source: Financial Times

Talk it Out: Should students return for fall 2021? | Features - University Star

Opinion: It's too soon for 100% capacity in-person classes by Student at Texas State University.


Texas State students, faculty and staff are expected to return to full capacity in-person classes at the start of the fall 2021 semester. This news came from President Denise Trauth, who on April 7, sent out a campus-wide email announcing the university's return to normalcy.

While the return to a pre-pandemic campus experience may come as a sense of relief for some students, others feel uneasy about sitting in a lecture hall surrounded by potentially unvaccinated and mask-free peers.

With the fall semester approaching, Trauth aims to provide all students, faculty and staff the opportunity to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, with a model projecting the administration of 1,500-1,800 doses a week. 

Despite this hopeful projection, Texas State should not return to fully in-person classes for the fall semester. Instead, the university should opt for opening at 75% for the fall 2021 semester until more students are fully vaccinated...

Furthermore, the delta variant of COVID-19 is of concern to the CDC. As of June 20, the variant accounts for 20% of new U.S. COVID-19 cases. This variant is highly contagious and more severe than the normal strain of COVID-19. However, health experts say the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines are nearly 90% effective at preventing illness of the delta variant.

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Source: University Star

Education: What We Can Do Better | Entrepreneurs - Forbes Africa

Tom Bennett, Director and Founder of researchEd in the United Kingdom, on what evidence tells us about the future and purpose of education.

Photo: Getty Images

AS COVID-19 SWEPT THROUGH THE WORLD, SOME AREAS OF OUR lives were more deeply affected than others, one of them being education. Before the pandemic, technology had started taking a more prominent place in education, and online learning was being integrated into the system.

When Covid-19 struck, schools and tertiary institutions were forced to change their models rapidly, migrating to digital options. Soon, the talk pivoted to blended learning and hybrid solutions, combining in-person and virtual classrooms and teaching methods. How likely are we to return to old teaching methods and classroom settings, we ask educationist, author and speaker Tom Bennett, who hails from the United Kingdom (UK) and is the Director and Founder of researchED...

Bennett has written four books on classroom behavior and evidence-informed education. “Ideas about how we manage behavior are still stuck in the 19th century, and too many teachers and schools are forced to reinvent the wheel every generation instead of building upon what we have found to work and improving upon it,” he explains.

“Teachers rarely get an evidence-informed training as they begin their careers, and many schools still make decisions based on intuition, gut feeling and hunches. But children – and teachers – deserve much better than that. We can do much better than that.” 

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Source: Forbes Africa

A new era for edtech: shifting IT priorities for learning | E-learning - Education Technology

Edtech can enable a safe and effective learning environment for teachers, who can then invest their time in better supporting students, as Nick Offin, Head of sales, marketing and operations, Dynabook reports.

Photo: Education Technology

IT leaders working in education are no stranger to the profound impact of the pandemic. The last year of online learning has ushered a new era in education – with technology at the heart of teaching and learning strategies.

As a result, whilst the future remains uncertain, digital plans for education institutions have taken on a new significance and IT teams have had to undertake a technology reset – assessing whether existing infrastructures and technologies are fit to deliver a secure and reliable learning experience. In fact, a recent study by Dynabook found that nearly two thirds of IT leaders in education will increase their IT budgets this year.

Unlike businesses, hybrid working isn’t having the same impact on the education sector. However, the pandemic has certainly shone a light on the need for appropriate edtech that can be used effectively in school and at home – even after this period. So, as we contemplate the future of learning, what do these new IT-led priorities look like in practice?.

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Source: Education Technology  

Thursday, July 01, 2021

Simplifying Digital Learning In The Hybrid Classroom | Higher Education - BW Businessworld

An increasing number of Edtech players entering the market provides countless options for educators and students alike. However, with pandemic settling, not all institutes are looking for the most advanced system but simplified digital tools in their classroom, according to Vasudha Mukherjee, works with BW Education.

Photo: BW Businessworld

Hybrid learning is not an invention of the pandemic, but rather a developing concept that was pushed into gear with the crisis. Several institutes were already integrating technological solutions into their classes long before the coronavirus pandemic hit. Therefore, it is no surprise that even when the crisis stabilises not all courses will return to 100 per cent classroom teaching. It is questions of percentage, how much will be online, and how much in the classroom. 

The Many Forms of the Hybrid Classroom

The transition to online classes was sudden but did not necessarily pose a challenge to all higher education institutes. While not all were prepared to go online full-time, institutes did have some procedures in place, resources that could be used even in the early days of the pandemic. Today,  there is a multitude of options between online classrooms, edtech companies, e-Learning platforms and even foreign collaborations. Needless to say, there are many creative solutions to the crisis of distance education...

The Teaching Tools

Lenovo solutions are not only aiming at remote learning students but is enabling IT staff to evolve cloud-based management system. Lenovo has transformed 360 degrees of the product-led organisation to solution-led not organisation. Addressing the most critical needs with the technology-centric handholding of its customers. It is a smart technology that is evolving every moment, addressing concerns of all the stakeholders:

  1. Teacher: Digital learning has become the new normal and these things are very important to track, manage and monitor students. Lenovo Smart classroom uses an intelligence tool to provide high quality digitised content that reduces the burden of lesson preparation and enhance student interaction collaboration, easily track, manage ad monitor the educational content that is displayed to students in an effective learning management system.
  2. Student: Students are always looking for fun, interactive class experiences. Through Lenovo Smart Classrooms, learning can be an enjoyable experience. With access to great immersive education content directly on their device, students can learn from anywhere. AI-based technology helps boost student confidence by helping them practise English speaking at home. 
  3. IT Admins: Lenovo SmartClassroom gives a solution and IT admins the power to optimise operations, ensure compliance, data security and asset accountability. Furthermore, the institution administration can make data-driven decisions to manage the curriculum overall in performance through an intuitive dashboard: What are the software that can and cannot be used?
  4. Parents: Information on student learning progress and class performance is shared with the parent on a regular basis. Parents also have the authorisation to control applications on the student device to ensure the physical mental wellbeing of their child. There has to be a tool that can actually control and show the contents being searched by children on their devices. 

Mukesh Nihalwani, Sales Head- Pvt Education, Lenovo India states, “We are in the position to break the digital divide and involve Education Institute for a bigger IT ecosystem, our hybrid classrooms are an opportunity for online teaching and learning revolution.”...


Mukesh Nihalwani says, “We have the tool, but the right tool has to be used in the right manner.”

Regardless of the pandemic, the hybrid classroom was inevitable for moving forward, at least in the eyes of some higher educational institutes. While there are challenges, such as device availability, the mental health of students, social aspects of learning, etc. most institutes and tech companies have taken it upon themselves to find the solutions to make education accessible to everyone. Even though the pandemic has made hybrid classrooms and blended learning a necessity, the education and tech industry is quickly catching up to meet the demands. 

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Source: BW Businessworld