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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Take part in e-Learning Survey: To Buy or To Build

We have entered the ‘Second Wave’ of e-Learning and have a much greater understanding of how e-Learning can benefit us and organisations. Gone are the days when we thought on-line training was the panacea and we enter an era of business games, m-Learning and self-authoring.
What role should e-Learning play in the ‘new world’? 'To Buy or To Build' is an industry-wide survey by Bourne Training to help us understand what you think of e-Learning today and how you use it. It will take you less than 10 minutes to complete and covers three main areas:

- The relevance and benefits of e-Learning in your organisation
- Outsourcing development and self-authoring
- e-Learning in the future

The results and analysis will be published during January 2007 after the survey closes at the end of December 2006.

Source: Bourne Training