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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The Role of the Educator by Stephen Downes

Stephen writes on The Huffington Post, "The problem with focusing on the role of the teacher, from my perspective, is that it misses the point. Though there may still be thousands of people employed today with the job title of "teacher" or "educator", it is misleading to suggests that all, or even most, aspects of providing an education should, or could, be placed into the hands of these individuals."

A couple of weeks ago I went through an exercise with one of Alec Couros's graduate education classes. I asked about the idea of multiple roles in education to Twitter readers and gathered a set of them. I then took this set and went through it with the class online; as I talked about the roles, the students defined them, added examples, and identified who would perform the tasks described. The result was a unique -- and colorful -- slide show exploring the evolving education profession."

Take a closer look at this list of these 23 roles in detail:

Source: The Huffington Post