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Monday, August 13, 2012

A classroom on wheels for Delhi’s slum kids

Raja Kumar, 13, hadn’t dreamt he would ever go to school. He lived on Delhi’s streets, rummaging through garbage for a living and playing with other street kids. Today the boy has got admission in a government school – thanks to a mobile learning centre.

Photo: Hill Post
Kumar, a resident of a slum in Okhla area here, received basic elementary education at the mobile centre launched last month by Save the Children to educate street and slum children.

“My father is the only earning member. In a family of five siblings, we just survive. I have to do my bit to support my family,” Kumar told IANS at the New Sanjay Camp near Okhla in south Delhi.
“I was lucky to get a chance to study… I don’t think I ever could have.

Housed in a gleaming, swanky yellow bus, the learning centre is bridging the gap between streets and schools for children usually found ragpicking or begging. It equips children with preparatory and elementary education.

The school may be on wheels but everything in the classroom is conventional– roll call, attendance register and teachers.

Source: Hill Post