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Saturday, October 03, 2020

How to teach yourself computer science: A developer’s 100-hour journey | Computer science - The Next Web

This article was written by Matthieu Cneude and was originally published on The Valuable Dev, a blog focusing on the important and timeless concepts in software development. You can read the piece here.

Matthieu Cneude, The Valuable Dev notes,  I wondered for quite a long time: does only knowing the basics of computer science help to become a better developer? And could it bring value to a developer?

Photo: Pew Nguyen from Pexels

If you ask yourself these questions as well, and you don’t want to invest time (yet) into learning computer science, here’s the story of my experience. In this article, I’ll answer the following questions:

  • Why learn computer science?
  • What was my study plan?
  • What resources did I use?
  • Did I learn something useful that can be transferred to my day to day job as a developer?

I began with this fantastic list of resources: teach yourself computer science. It’s basically a guideline on how to study computer science as a software engineer, without spending a lot of money trying to enter MIT...

What I’ve done so far
Here what I’ve precisely done during these (almost) 100 hours of computer science study, in chronological order. 


Source: The Next Web