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Thursday, October 01, 2020

What is the Effect of Artificial Intelligence on VPN Technology? | Computing - Robotics & Automation

Anyone who has reservations about their privacy online due to various issues has likely already used VPN services in one way or another, as Robotics & Automation reports.

Photo: Stefan Coders from Pixabay

The use of a virtual private network ensures that your connection to the Internet is secure no matter where you are.

While the use of a VPN might feel like people are going overboard with their privacy issues, there are legitimate reasons to worry.

For example, the use of popular VPN services such as those found in the ensures that you do not have to worry about shady individuals taking advantage of your connection...

How artificial intelligence protects your privacy online
Just as large companies make use of AI to delve into the online preferences of the masses, artificial intelligence is also used to protect said groups from data mining. According to VPN companies make advancements to AI so that it can better protect you online.

For example, online censorship being reinforced by AI can make it extremely challenging to maintain privacy and do what you like online.  


Source: Robotics & Automation