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Saturday, April 03, 2021

One year in, Adult Language and Learning still helping newcomers virtually | Local - Chatham Daily News

The Mission of Adult Language and Learning is to promote and foster personal growth and adjustment for all. 

A local organization that helps newcomers adapt to their communities says it has faced a number of hurdles over the past year but continues to provide service.

Adult Language and Learning, located on King Street West in downtown Chatham, was previously a hub of activity pre-pandemic, with classes, one-on-one meetings and celebratory gatherings.

However, those are still occurring – albeit in different ways – says executive director Tracy Callaghan...

In the meantime, the centre has applied for funding to go towards electronic devices for clients, such as computers, with Callaghan noting that smartphones aren’t suitable for every task, such as online learning.

For more information on the organization and its services, visit or search for their page on Facebook.

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Source: Chatham Daily News