NKI Distance Education in Norway has developed a new online service for distance education. Starting in March 2006, NKI’s students have been able to choose to become learning partners; after a few months of operation, NKI has received many positive testimonials from its enthusiastic students.
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Kilde: elearningeuropa.info
Kineo warns those deploying rapid e-learning not to focus narrowly on authoring tools
According to onrec.com, a new briefing paper issued by e-learning consultancy Kineo warns those deploying rapid e-learning not to focus narrowly on authoring tools at the expense of process considerations.
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Kilde: Learningbusiness.fi
Nyt videncenter for trådløs teknologi
Ingeniørhøjskolen i København har fået seks millioner kroner til oprettelsen af et nyt videnscenter om trådløse teknologier og miljø.
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Kilde: ComOn