Paper on "Emerging Technologies for Learning"
Becta, the UK government's lead partner in the strategic development and delivery of its eStrategy, is publishing the second volume of its 'Emerging Technologies for Education' paper. This document considers how emerging technologies may impact education in the medium term. Six articles have been written covering subjects like the development and convergence of social software tools and services. Others focus on the wider Web 2.0 ecosystem or look at how young people are using digital media and the future use of commercial games in education.
The Articles Are Entitled:
- Emerging Trends in Social Software for Education
- Learning Networks in PracticeThe Challenge of New Digital Literacies and the 'Hidden Curriculum'
- How to Teach with Technology: Keeping Both Teachers and Students Comfortable in an Era of Exponential Change
- Games in Education
- Ubiquitous Computing.
Related link
Download the reports from the Becta website
Online University for US Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has selected SumTotal Systems, Inc., a global provider of talent and learning management solutions, to build an online university for approximately 500 Chamber employees across the United States. The online university will be an easily accessible portal for employees to find information related to professional development, tap into best practices, and obtain compliance training.
Related link
SumTotal’s Talent Management Solutions

Source: CHECKpoint eLearning
New guidebook aims to help officials create online learning programs of their own.
By Laura Devaney, Associate Editor, eSchool NewsEducators and education stakeholders interested in online learning have a brand-new resource at their disposal. The North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL) has released a free, comprehensive guide to online learning intended to help school leaders implement virtual education programs of their own and help parents understand how online instruction works. "A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning" gives answers to common questions and provides facts about online learning.
Read more...Related linksNorth American Council for Online LearningA National Primer on K-12 Online Learning
NASA announces new Explorer Schools In a partnership designed to inspire students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has chosen 25 new schools to join its Explorer Schools program.
The program provides unique learning opportunities intended to engage and educate students about space exploration, with the goal of encouraging and recruiting the next generation of scientists and explorers.
Related linkNASA Explorer Schools
Source: eSchool News