Educational content is already available in the United States through the non-charging "iTunes U" section of the music downloading service.
But European universities are now joining, providing video and audio material for students to use on iPods or computers.
The service will include recordings of lectures from leading academics.
But European universities are now joining, providing video and audio material for students to use on iPods or computers.
The service will include recordings of lectures from leading academics.
The Open University is promising to make available 300 audio and video files with material from current courses.
Trinity College Dublin is promising lectures from journalist Seymour Hersh, scientist Robert Winston, author Anita Desai and politician Alex Salmond.
This will be available from iTunes U, launched by Apple computers last summer as a free education area within the iTunes online music and video store.
It is intended to make lectures available to students at the institutions and to a wider public audience.
This has been used by leading US universities to provide lectures and research news, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, UC Berkeley and MIT.
Trinity College Dublin is promising lectures from journalist Seymour Hersh, scientist Robert Winston, author Anita Desai and politician Alex Salmond.
This will be available from iTunes U, launched by Apple computers last summer as a free education area within the iTunes online music and video store.
It is intended to make lectures available to students at the institutions and to a wider public audience.
This has been used by leading US universities to provide lectures and research news, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, UC Berkeley and MIT.
Related links
UK universities offer downloadable lectures (education.guardian.co.uk - E-learning)
Source: BBC News