Today’s learning management systems can be perceived as islands – islands in the vast sea of learning possibilities the World Wide Web offers. Not only content can be obtained, refined and selected; learners can also adopt those tools which are important for their purposes, create their own and individual learning portals, tag content or register RSS feeds informing about news relevant to them.
The keyword web 2.0 makes it possible: Moving away from standard learning management systems ("one for all" technique) to Personalised Learning Environments ("one for me" technique) consisting of snips, bits and pieces, collections of tools and services which are bundled to individual and/ or shared landscapes of knowledge, experiences and contacts. It is a shift from the island paradigm of the LMS technique to understanding the web as a door, a portal to learning opportunities.
While we have already claimed individualisation of education through e-learning in the past, Personalised Learning Environments (PLE) are now truly offering it.
The eLearning Papers offers in this issue a selection of articles about Personalised Learning Environments.
Enjoy reading these articles!
Source: eLearning Papers