The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.
Take a look at this interesting line-up below.
CALL FOR PAPERS: INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY. In order to contribute to the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009 eLearning Papers launches a call for papers on innovation and creativity in learning. The papers may address themes such as open innovation and learning, innovative learning concepts and empowering peer networks. The deadline for article submission is 12 January 2009.
The Learning 2.0 research project initiated by DG EAC and IPTS studies the impact of web 2.0 trends on learning, and the potential of these new innovations for Education and Training in Europe. The validation workshop that recently took place in Seville triggered an exciting and controversial debate among experts in the field. We would like to invite all interested in the issue to contribute to the discussion around two questions: What is really new about Learning 2.0? and What are the drawbacks of Learning 2.0?
The BONy project develops a Cognitive Learning Management System allowing users to personalise their own educational pathway. BONy supplies a multilingual access to information and educational contents. This involves an ontological approach to knowledge management, thanks to the Semantic Web methodology. A pilot course on European project management will take place in December 2008. If you are interested to take part in it you may contact the project team.
The aim of the European eTwinning Prizes competition is to highlight best practice in collaborative school projects using Information and Communication Technology (ICT). If you participated in a successful project during the 2007-2008 school year, be sure to submit an entry! Deadline: 30 Nov 2008.
LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME (LLP) - Call for proposals 2009.
The main deadlines are as follows:
- Erasmus University Charter: 28 November 2008
- Comenius, Grundtvig: In-service Training 16 January 2009
- Comenius Assistantships: 30 January 2009
- Leonardo da Vinci, Mobility: 6 February 2009
- Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (EILC), 6 February 2009
- Jean Monnet Programme: 13 February 2009
- Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig: Partnerships: 20 February 2009
- Comenius Regio Partnerships: 20 February 2009
- Grundtvig, Workshops: 20 February 2009 - Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig: Multilateral projects, Networks and Accompanying Measures: 27 February 2009
- Leonardo da Vinci: Transfer of Innovation multilateral Projects: 27 February 2009 - Erasmus: Intensive Programmes (IP), Students mobility for studies and placements and Staff mobility: 13 March 2009
- Grundtvig: Assistantships, Senior Volunteering Projects: 31 March 2009
- Transversal Programme: 31 March 2009
- Transversal Programme: Key activity 1
- Study visits: 9 April 2009
Source: elearningeuropa.info