The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.
Take a look at this interesting line-up below.
The SAEL project facilitates the implementation of language policy recommendations aimed at improving the quality of language teaching in Europe, seeking to achieve its goal by promoting the creation of online support websites for educators. The “SAEL Guide”, one of the final outcomes of the project, contains practical suggestions for creating and updating websites designed to support the work of language teachers.
Online school partnerships celebrate their fifth anniversary. Through eTwinning, over 85 000 teachers from across Europe work together in international school activities involving more than 50 000 schools in 32 European countries. In the five years of its existence, eTwinning has grown from being a partner-finding tool for teachers to become a rich, Europe-wide community of teaching and learning.
Selected articles
Learning in Informal Online Networks and Communities
Authors: Kirsti Ala-Mutka
In 2008, as part of its policy support for DG Education and Culture, IPTS launched a study to explore the innovative social and pedagogical approaches to learning that are emerging in new ICT-enabled collaborative settings. This is the final report on the project. Lifelong learning plays a crucial role in society today as jobs, and the skills they require, are changing. Recent technological and social developments in online settings have the potential to support lifelong learning in new ways. Online collaborative spaces can support both intentional and non-intentional learning in new ways through various forms of participation. These online platforms, networks and communities support learning all the key competences for lifelong learning, including new transversal skills and personal growth in a social context. However, ensuring digital fluency and self-regulated learning skills for all becomes a crucial challenge and enabler for lifelong learning. Furthermore, individuals need to be prepared for and interested in learning. Communities can encourage their members to participate and learn with a sociable, openly-managed and developing culture. The report argues that online networks and communities can contribute to all the major European Education and Training policy objectives, i.e. modernising educational institutions to support the lifelong learning continuum with new opportunities for equity, quality and efficiency, and learning key competences and transversal skills. However, a new learner-centred approach for lifelong learning by learners, education providers and employers is needed. All education stakeholders should engage in developing lifelong learning opportunities through collaboration and new partnerships.
Handbook of QMPP - Quality Management of Peer Production of eLearning
The QMPP Handbook is authored as a practical guide on quality management of peer production in eLearning, and it links the theoretical concepts and latest research outcomes with practical decisions...