Ken Martin has been in touch to reminds us about the following 10 Things the Class of 2014 Hasn’t Experienced.

Every once in a while, it hits you – "Man, I’m old." Many of us are having the same experience as we realize the incoming class of college freshmen was born in 1991 and 1992, when Clinton was in the process of becoming the 42nd president, the first Iraq War was a resounding success and you were slow jamming to Boyz II Men.
Today, we have our first African American president, we’re mired in a now seven-and-a-half year war in Iraq, and Lady Gaga is making us forget about Madonna. Other aspects of our lives have changed as well, making our day-to-day activities easier to accomplish. Below is a list of the 10 things the class of 2014 hasn’t experienced, or more accurately, the 10 things a majority of 18-year-olds haven’t experienced firsthand.
Thanks to Ken!
Source: Match A College