Lecture Capture's Impact on Undergraduate Learning, Satisfaction and Retention
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
11:00 – 11:45 a.m. CST
(convert to your time zone)
Pioneers in both the use and the evaluation of educational technologies, Drs. Pamela and William Havice, professors at Clemson University, seek to fill that gap. Recently, they completed a study that analyzed how a distributed learning environment - with lecture capture by Mediasite at its core - affected the satisfaction and engagement of traditional, face-to-face undergraduate students enrolled in a research project course.
Did the students really like the distributed learning environment? Were they more engaged? Did the students feel that lecture capture assisted them in their learning? Join the Havice's for a live Webinar as they answer these questions and share their findings, including:
How does teaching with Mediasite compare to teaching in a classroom built for videoconferencing?
- What impact the distributed learning environment with lecture capture had on students' satisfaction
- How the lecture capture course modules help students stay engaged in the material
- How the distributed learning environment impacted student behavior during face-to-face class time
- Why a constructivist learning environment (laying out the resources through lecture capture and letting student's build their own knowledge) promoted self-motivation and deeper engagement