More than a decade ago, he co-founded Atomic Learning, an online training solution for teachers. The business has grown to have contracts with schools in all 50 states and more than 30 countries.
Zoomable Media: Jim Norwood, president of Zoomable Media, Inc., and Brian Hurd, a middle school teacher in Little Falls, have combined efforts on a series of eBooks that will be available for teachers and students on the iPad and Kindle. See video below.
While he divested of that Little Falls-based business in 2008, he continued using his strengths in product development and innovation in a search for something new. And, thanks to the introduction of Apple’s iPad more than two years ago, Norwood has a new mission that could prove just as rewarding. He has started Zoomable Media, an e-book publishing company that builds on the strengths of e-readers and tablet computers
Norwood’s idea is to collaborate with master teachers to create a series of electronic textbooks. His business name is partially derived from the capacity of e-readers to zoom in on text or photos. The Zoomable Media offerings are references he says will be aesthetically pleasing, touchable, tactile and “zoomable.” They’re targeted to students and teachers in grades 7-12.
Software that was released in January, iBooks Author, made the company’s first e-book possible. Brian Hurd, a social studies teacher at Mary of Lourdes Middle School in Little Falls, wrote “The Last Full Measure: 101 Keys to Understanding the Civil War.” It was released in April. Hurd, who is well-versed on the topic and made many trips to visit Civil War historical sites, wrote the book during Christmas break.
About Zoomable Media

Source: St. Cloud Times and Zoomable Media