Preparing Your Campus for the Future of Academic Video
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. CT (convert to your time zone)
Demand for academic video from the “YouTube generation” of students is growing at an astronomical rate, and universities large and small are evaluating how best to harness the power of video to meet this new level of student expectations and broaden the reach of their institutions. Video is foundational to the cutting edge trends in higher education today, including personalized education, flipped instruction and MOOCs. Does your institution have an academic video strategy?

Topics will include:
- The strategies, tactics and technologies best suited to secure, search, index, archive and stream the video created on your campus
- Case studies from universities that have already deployed enterprise-wide video capture and management
- First-person faculty findings on transforming existing courses into interactive personalized learning environments