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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Survey Notes a Model of E-Learning Maturity

A recent report from E-Skills UK demonstrates that there are now enough organizations using e-learning for a description of maturity to be possible. Launched at the Learning Technologies show last week, the report is based on a survey of over 200 organizations and over 1,000 learners. The nature of the questions probably excluded people who were not familiar with e-learning issues. So the survey is not an indication of the scale of e-learning. However, it provides details on how a significant number of organizations have reached an advanced stage with e-learning as part of their normal operations. An unexpected finding is that pressure from senior management remains an insignificant driver for investment at all stages of development.

A summary of the e-skill reports, Towards Maturity and Towards Maturity: insights for employers and training providers are available to download from e-skills UK