The landscape of eLearning content is in the midst of interesting changes. While the development of digital media is providing radical new opportunities for both learning content providers and for students, the increasing bandwidth of telecommunications enables the unforeseen use of media rich material (video clips, audio clips, simulations etc.) in eLearning provision.
Besides, digital libraries and other resources are liberating providers and students from the use of physical establishments with restricted access. However, as the articles in this number of eLearning Papers show, we must reassess the visual and pedagogical challenges of eLearning content.
Experiences with the Learning Resource Exchange for schools in Europe
By Peter Baumgartner, Riina Vuorikari, Frans Van Assche, Erik Duval , Birgit Zens, David Massart, Bram Vandeputte and Fernand Mesdom
By Peter Baumgartner, Riina Vuorikari, Frans Van Assche, Erik Duval , Birgit Zens, David Massart, Bram Vandeputte and Fernand Mesdom
Quality evaluation of eLearning through an international peer-review community
The challenge of quality in peer-produced eLearning content
Pedagogically-Oriented Evaluation Criteria for Educational Web Resources
Visual and pedagogical design of eLearning content
Source: elearningeuropa.info