The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.Take a look at this interesting line-up below.
CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2010: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP).
The European Commission has just published two interesting reports on education and ICT.
The first one, “Study on indicators on ICT in education”, addresses issues concerning the characteristics of educational monitoring, policy concerns regarding ICT in education, indicator needs and availability of international comparative data.
The second report investigates the impact on language learning of ICT and new media, as a complement to ‘traditional’, face-to-face learning and teaching within – and beyond – the framework of formal education systems.
CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2010: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP).
The Lifelong Learning Programme applies to all types and levels of education and vocational education and training.
The main deadlines are as follows:
- Leonardo da Vinci - Mobility: 5 February 2010
- Erasmus - Intensive Language Courses (EILC): 5 February 2010
- Jean Monnet Programme: 12 February 2010
- Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig: Partnerships: 19 February 2010
- Comenius: Comenius Regio Partnerships: 19 February 2010
- Grundtvig: Workshops: 19 February 2010 - Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig: Multilateral projects, Networks and Accompanying Measures: 26 February 2010
- Leonardo da Vinci: Transfer of Innovation multilateral Projects: 26 February 2010
- Erasmus: Intensive Programmes (IP), Students mobility for studies and placements and Staff mobility: 12 March 2010
- Grundtvig: Assistantships, Senior Volunteering Projects: 31 March 2010
- Transversal Programme: 31 March 2010 - Transversal Programme: Study visits: 31 March 2010 / 15 October 2010
Although the production and use of Open Educational Resources (OER) is expanding rapidly, there are few experiences of real world usage. The educational programme of the Free Technology Academy (FTA) is an inspiring showcase of the collaborative production and exploitation of such freely licensed course materials. The FTA offers an online master level programme with Free Technologies modules for IT professionals, students, teachers and decision makers.
18th LEARNTEC, 2-4 February 2010, Messe Karlsruhe, Germany.
Visit the trade fair to find out about trends and developments in the eLearning market, as well as individual and target group-specific options for implementation. The trade fair is accompanied by three days of comprehensive activities, including free expert and best-practice lectures.
INTED 2010, 8-10 March, Valencia, Spain.
INTED 2010 is an international forum for those who wish to present their projects and innovations in education and technology, having also the opportunity to discuss the main issues and results obtained in classrooms and with investigations. The attendance of more than 500 delegates from 70 different countries is expected.
EDEN 2010, 9-12 June 2010, Valencia, Spain.
The key theme at the European Distance and eLearning Network annual conference this summer in Spain will be “Media Inspirations for Learning. What makes the impact?” EDEN invites the European professional community of learning to participate in the event and contribute to the development of future mindsets for media in learning.
eLearning progress in higher education: The voice of experience.
Interview with Tony Bates
New technologies involve new methods of teaching, learning and training. However, the universities lack well-defined structures to accomplish it. Who should teach/train e-teachers?

Silvia–Adriana Tomescu interviewed him to find out about his opinions on how to improve the present implementation of elearning in higher education institutions.
Source: elearningeuropa.info