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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Scholars trial free MBA e-learning tool

Regenesys, South Africa’s business, management and leadership school, is offering global students an opportunity to try out their MBA degree for free.

"The one-month trial allows you to study and interact with students on the Regenesys e-learning platform for the first module of your MBA," says Cousins.

Students will have access to all the learning materials from the workbook, videos and articles. The course is aimed at MBA-aspirant students who have successfully completed a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent NQF Level 7 qualification.

Access to this offer is instant and valid until 11 July 2011.

“An MBA enhances your career prospects by turning you into a superior leader. That’s what organisations are desperate for,” says Cousins.
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About Regenesys

With over 60,000 stu­dents edu­cated in the past 12 years in over 1000 of the most reput­able local and inter­na­tional organ­isa­tions, Regenesys is one of the fast­est grow­ing and lead­ing insti­tu­tions of man­age­ment and lead­er­ship devel­op­ment in Southern Africa. This has been pos­sible only through our abso­lute com­mit­ment to excel­lence and the highest stand­ards of qual­ity and ser­vice deliv­ery to our stu­dents, staff and all other stakeholders.

At Regenesys, we assist indi­vidu­als and organ­isa­tions to achieve their goals by enhan­cing their man­age­ment and lead­er­ship poten­tial. We approach edu­ca­tion hol­ist­ic­ally — intel­lec­tu­ally, emo­tion­ally and spir­itu­ally. Our learn­ing pro­grammes are designed to inspire and trans­form minds, hearts and souls of our stu­dents, and to develop pos­it­ive values, atti­tudes and beha­vi­ors required for success.

Regenesys devel­ops ana­lyt­ical thinkers, problem-solvers, emo­tion­ally intel­li­gent and value-driven lead­ers who are able to oper­ate suc­cess­fully in a dynamic global envir­on­ment. We explore cutting-edge man­age­ment the­or­ies and models from local and global per­spect­ives to com­ple­ment indi­vidual lead­er­ship devel­op­ment pro­cesses. We focus on har­ness­ing entre­pren­eur­ial skills for the pos­sib­il­ity of cre­at­ing sus­tain­able new ven­tures. Our pro­grammes gen­er­ate new options for career advance­ment, cre­ation of wealth and the expan­sion of your sphere of influence.

At Regenesys, you will exper­i­ence, care, respect and pro­fes­sion­al­ism. You will engage with busi­ness experts, entre­pren­eurs and aca­dem­ics inspired by the pur­pose of human devel­op­ment. You will be at a place where top busi­ness and gov­ern­ment lead­ers meet, net­work, share their exper­i­ences and know­ledge, learn from each other, and develop busi­ness rela­tion­ships. You will have access to a campus, in the heart of Sandton, with the tran­quil­lity of a zen-garden, gym and med­it­a­tion / prayer room.

We encour­age you to embark on a jour­ney of per­sonal devel­op­ment with Regenesys. We will help you to awaken your poten­tial and to real­ise that everything you need to suc­ceed is within you. We will be with you every step of the way. We will work hard with you and at the end, we will cel­eb­rate with you.

Source: IT News Africa