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Monday, March 12, 2012

The District Goes Digital: Leveraging Online Learning for Broader Student Achievement

You are invited to attend this FREE live webinar below.

The District Goes Digital: Leveraging Online Learning for Broader Student Achievement

Wednesday March 20, 2012,
2 to 3 p.m. ET.

In this special webinar, brought to you by K12 Inc., Kim McClelland, assistant superintendent of Falcon School District 49 in Colorado Springs, will discuss how her district leveraged lessons learned from the implementation of a full-time, online virtual school to address a much broader spectrum of student needs.
Opening the district’s Falcon Virtual Academy in 2010 helped tackle the challenges of a crowded district and improve student performance. Based on the success of that experience, McClelland and her team took online learning to the next level. Now, as Innovation Leader for the district’s iConnect Innovation Zone, McClelland and her team have developed nine additional part-time and blended learning schools and programs, meeting more individualized learning needs of more students. Next up for the district is the addition of online credit recovery, RTI interventions, gifted-and-talented enhancement, and foreign-language programs.

This webinar will be presented by Kim McClelland, assistant superintendent, Falcon School District 49, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Register now for this free live webinar.