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Sunday, March 17, 2013

24 iPad apps to support Bloom’s Taxonomy

Here's what's new on eSchool News site.
Laura Devaney
Laura Devaney, Managing Editor writes, "Bloom’s Taxonomy, introduced in the 1950s as a system of organizing learning objectives into a pyramid, traditionally has started with creating at the top, followed by evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding, and remembering".

Some educators today are flipping the triangle so that remembering is on top, followed by understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating on the bottom.

During an webinar, educational technologist Kathy Schrock presented a variety of apps for iPads that can boost student engagement and collaboration, and that can be used for teaching and learning according to Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Photo:eSchool News 

“Remembering” apps:

Diigo – A social bookmarking tool; teachers can use this app on an iPad to add relevant bookmarks, or create their own account and share. Lists can be organized into sub lists.
Evernote – A “must-have” app. Users can take notes, photos, create to-do lists, make voice reminders, and search their content.
Pearltrees – A curation tool with a social component. Users can search, link to other accounts, and organize their own content.
Idea Sketch – Users can create a mind map and turn it into a list or outline, and vice versa. It also offers organizational charts.

Source: eSchool News