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Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Harvard Business School finally puts its stamp on online learning | Digital Learning - Inside Higher Ed

HBX, the online learning platform of Harvard Business School, is getting a name change. Starting today, the platform will be known as Harvard Business School Online, reports Lindsay McKenzie, Technology Reporter at Inside Higher Ed.

For an Ivy League business school once wary of entering the online education space, the rebranding is significant. Nitin Nohria, dean of Harvard Business School, once famously proclaimed that the school would not enter the online education arena in his lifetime.

That was a decade ago. Nohria, like many faculty members and administrators at elite institutions who were initially skeptical of online learning, has since had a change of heart. The school’s online learning platform is now going strong and has been deemed worthy of the prestigious Harvard Business School name...

EdX and online learning provider Coursera are targeting a mass market with low-cost offerings, he said. But HBX sees itself as more high-end. “It’s like PC vs. Mac,” he said.

More than 40,000 students have now completed a course with HBX, said Mullane.

Source: Inside Higher Ed