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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Robots may threaten jobs due to pandemic | Society - Warsaw Business Journal

As many as 53 percent of respondents are afraid of losing their jobs due to the economic crisis after the Covid-19 pandemic by WBJ.

Robots may threaten jobs due to pandemic
Photo: Procontent Communication 
Poles, as the main concerns related to the risk of losing a job, indicate recession (59.6 percent), longer isolation due to infection (41.6 percent) and automation of their workplace (18.7 percent). Nearly 40 percent of respondents indicate that due to the ubiquitous pandemic, new technological tools have been introduced into their work. 

“The results of the report show that our society is becoming more and more aware of the risks that may occur when implementing new technological solutions. Employers deciding to automate workstations may face a lot of stress in their teams. This means the necessity to educate and implement a responsible digital policy in companies,” Iwona Kubicz from Procontent Communication emphasized.
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Source: Warsaw Business Journal