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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Using robotics and immersive technologies to support work-from-home employees | Robotics - InfoWorld

James Kobielus, principal analyst at Franconia Research insist, The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the long-term shift toward remote working as a standard business practice.

Photo:  Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
Even when the pandemic wanes, the percentage of personnel working remotely will continue to grow. According to a recent enterprise survey by 451 Research, the emerging technology research unit of S&P Global Market Intelligence, 80 percent have implemented or expanded universal work-from-home policies, and 67 percent plan to keep at least some remote work policies in place long term or permanently.

However, remote employees may find their organizations’ administrative and technical support capabilities unsatisfactory. Remote support tends to lack the hands-on, interactive, and immersive services that we’ve come to expect from on-site technical and administrative support personnel. As enterprises retool their internal processes to support a post-pandemic workforce, they should explore a growing range of immersive and robotics capabilities that can deliver high-quality support to remote, mobile, and other nontraditional worksites...

What’s next
In the coming three to five years, immersive technologies will become fundamental to delivering high-quality administrative and technical support to remote workers. The “bring your own device” revolution of the past 20 years will ensure that many future workers will be very comfortable with immersive technologies such as AR, VR, and MR in their professional lives.
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Source: InfoWorld