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Tuesday, December 01, 2020

How IT Pros Celebrate Computer Security Day | Career success tips - Learning Blog

IT pros, I know you're all looking for a way to celebrate Computer Security Day this year!, recommends Caroline Wong, Chief Strategy Officer at

But really, the pandemic has most organizations operating fully remote (my own included) and that means our profession has been on hyperdrive. Because for us in IT and others that are worried about cybersecurity, working virtually means more opportunities for hackers. 

As we grow more dependent on laptops, smartphones, and an internet connection, cyber-attack techniques are evolving and adapting. In honor of Computer Security Day, we wanted to nod to our friends in IT that enable us to work virtually and stay safe while working online. 

Check out these courses to help you get ahead of cyberattacks and help you communicate about cyber safety/security with employees. If you are an IT pro looking to brush up on more advanced computer security or are getting ready to take the CompTIA A+ certification, we've got you covered there too with courses free through March 31st.

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Source: Learning Blog