Just look at this article, by Christian Dalsgaard and Helle Mathiasen,
Self-Organized Learning Environments and University Students’ Use of Social Software: A Systems Theoretical Perspective
The paper will argue that new possibilities of digital media, especially social software, have a potential regarding development of self-organized learning environments and facilitating self-governed activities. The point of departure is that IT only plays a role as an available technology, and is in itself simply an offer. Based on a sociological perspective, the paper will clarify the concept of self-organized learning environments, which emphasizes the self-governed work of students. This perspective implies that an institution frames the project work of students and invites them to develop self-organized learning environments. Using an empirical study, the paper will argue that social software tools as a communication environment have the potential to support students’ development of self-organized learning environments. We find that students’ creative use of social software is an essential point, when planning higher education.
About the Authors
Christian Dalsgaard is an Assistant Professor, PhD at the Institute of Information and Media Studies, University of Aarhus. His research is concerned with development of learning technology on the basis of a learning theoretical approach, and he works with design of open-ended learning resources in support of self-governed learning activities.
Helle Mathiasen is an Associate Professor, PhD at the Institute of Information and Media Studies, University of Aarhus. She is Director of Centre for Research in IT & Learning. Her research lies within the field of Educational Technology and Educational Research.