Podcasting in Higher Education: Current Trends and Application - Mar 4 - 13
Podcasting has had a revolutionary impact on formal and informal teaching and learning. Rising out of the advent of the Apple iPod, podcasts have grown into the mainstream of online media since their inception in early 2004. The power of the individual to use podcasts to communicate globally has important implications for educators.
Using Moodle to Create Online Courses - Mar 4 - 13
Moodle is an open source web-based learning management system and a low cost alternative for educators to create vibrant online content. The development of the Moodle platform was guided by a social constructionist framework of education which assumes that the knowledge a student receives is produced by the groups to which he or she belongs, or by their particular discourse agreements. Moodle tools have an emphasis on: group work, collaboration, communication, sharing, activities, and critical reflection.
Getting Started Primer - Mar 11 - 27
The "Getting Started Primer" is a pre-requisite to the Sloan-C workshop "Getting Started: Online Course Development Basics." This workshop introduces potential faculty and/or administration to online education fundamentals. Participants will not only learn about the concepts discussed, but through taking the workshop, technologies will be used first-hand to gain practical "hands-on" experience
Introduction to Second Life for Educators (SL Workshop Level 2) - Mar 18 - 27
Second Life, an online virtual world, has become one of the web's most popular activities and an increasingly popular venue for teaching and socialization among educators. Second Life immerses participants in a virtual world of their own making. Second Life enables educators to offer data visualization, simple simulations, and collaborative spaces to either augment their online course or serve as their online classroom.
Copyright Compliance for Online Educators - Mar 25 - Apr 3
Online educators need to understand their own liability for copyright infringement when using materials to supplement an online course. Copyright owners have sued and will continue to sue individuals. You also need to know how your original works can be protected. Publishers and the academic community have established a set of educational fair use guidelines to provide standards and protection for educators.
Retention Strategies in Online Educations - Mar 30 - Apr 8
The topic of retention continues to gain interest across the fields of higher education. Online student retention rates are significantly lower than their on-campus equivalents. With record numbers of students studying online, it is imperative that academic institutions discover why online learners have a significantly lower rate of persistence than on-campus students.
Source: The Sloan Consortium