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Myers. Please be sure to check out his unique
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Furthering the education and training of
your employees can be very beneficial to your organization. It is a method that
can keep your company competitive and knowledgeable while making your staff
more versed in your business niche. Unfortunately, many businesses simply can't
afford to send their staff to take college courses or specialist classes. In
light of the costs, can an open source application be used to encourage additional training for
your staff?
What Are they? - Open source software are essentially free
applications that you can use to teach anyone virtually anything. They are
designed to be operated and maintained with the full functionality of online
educational facilities. The best part about these applications is that they are
free to use. Most of the time, they can be easily installed on a local network
server or on your own website hosting provider in order to provide classes
covering any subject you want including images, sounds, files and more.
Learn from Home - By installing these applications on your website
or allowing remote access to your business network, you can allow your staff to
learn new aspects of your business from home. This means you don't have to
sacrifice down-time in order to promote training of any material to those
within the company. You could develop long, information-rich classes that users
can benefit from without having to clock out or schedule attendance. No one
would have to come in on his or her day off in order to attend a class that
they can access from home - at any time of the day.
Full Control - Another enticing aspect of using open source
applications is the ability to have full control of the content and
registration aspect. If you don't want certain material in your
"classroom," then you can simply omit the information. You are in
complete control of who learns what when in the application's environment. You
can make the courses as easy or as difficult as you need them to be without spending
extra money on changing levels.
The Cost of Success - The only real drawback to using an open
source solution for your education and training materials is you have to
develop the courses yourself. This can take a great deal of time depending on
how detailed you want the information to be. You can always pay a third-party
professional to develop the material, and it still may be considerably cheaper
than paying an organization to teach your staff. Perhaps you could hire a
part-time teacher to help you develop the course or even hire someone in-house
that has vast experience to share.
Encouraging Employees - Providing certificates to staff can be
incentive to develop online courses for the business. This information can then
go into personal records within the company in order to boost promotions and
career advancement. Although the certificate won't be from an accredited
college or school, it can still be added to a resume especially if the employee
is young and hasn't developed marketable skills themselves.
Advancing knowledge in any field is always beneficial to the organization. By
providing training and education, you keep your business performing at optimal
levels for continued growth and success. Take a closer look at what open source
educational applications can do for your company and see the difference in how
well your staff performs afterwards.
About the Author:
Myers is a father, husband, and entrepreneur. He has combined his passion for
helping families find in-home care with his experience to build a business.
Learn more about him by visiting @KenneyMyers on Twitter.
Many thanks to Ken Myers.
Enjoy your reading!