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Monday, September 22, 2014

U California Approves Fuel Education Online Courses as Prerequisites for Entry

"The University of California (UC) has said 95 online and blended courses produced by Fuel Education satisfy requirements for prerequisites for entry as freshmen." continues Campus Technology.

Photo: Fuel Education

According to Fuel, a provider of personalized learning courses, that is the largest number of courses approved by any online course provider.

The university system's review board has said the courses satisfy its "a-g" requirements, meaning that potential applicants who take online or blended courses must pass 15 college-preparatory courses in seven areas (a to g), and they are certified for entry to the university.

The seven "a-g" academic areas are:
  • History or social science;
  • English;
  • Math;
  • Lab science;
  • Foreign language (other than English);
  • Visual or performing arts; and
  • College-preparatory elective.
The UC online course review board, according to the university, "aims to ensure that students have access to a broad range of high-quality online courses that maintain the 'human touch' and integrity of assessment."

Source: Campus Technology