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Sunday, July 03, 2016

Recommended Books - E-Learning and the Science of Instruction and THE POWER OF CHUNKING

Take a closer look at these books as shown below.

e-Learning and the Science of Instruction:
Proven Guidelines for Consumers and
Designers of Multimedia Learning, 4th Edition

Read an Excerpt

A recently updated manual for delivering learning using evidence-based evidence-based e-learning design by Ruth C. Clark (Author), Richard E. Mayer (Author).

Ruth C. Clark is a respected author and has focused on evidence-based practice in design and development of workforce training materials for over three decades.

Co-authored Dr. Richard E. Mayer is described as "the most productive instructional research scientist in the world."

"The latest edition includes new chapters on evidence based games design and engagement as well as updated instructor’s materials so you can make the most of the practical guides."

Download the free eBook now

Studies show that learner retention - and attention - rates have been steadily dropping among adult leaners for more than a decade.  How can we apply the "chunking" philosophy to help our content stick?

Inside The Guide:
  • How Does Chunking Work?
  • Three Ways To Chunk
  • Four Chunking Tips
Dashe & Thomson writes in Learning Retention, "In 1980, K. Anders Ericsson and his colleagues published a fascinating experiment. They took a student of average intelligence, memory capacity, and IQ, and had an experimenter test the limits of his memory."

The experimenter read a series of random numbers and had the student recite them back in the exact order. If he recited the numbers correctly, the experimenter would add another digit to the next random set. If he made a mistake, the next set of random numbers would be one digit shorter.

At first, the student indicated his average intelligence and memory by only being able to memorize a sequence of about 7 numbers. This confirmed an earlier theory by George Miller, that an average human can only hold 7 items (+/- 2) in their working memory at a time.

The experiment was repeated, 4 days a week, for almost two years. 20 months later, the student could memorize a sequence of numbers 80 digits long.

Download the free eBook now 

Source: John Wiley & Sons and Dashe & Thomson