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Monday, February 09, 2009

Designing Asynchronous E-Learning by Ethan Edwards

A primary area of investment in corporate e-learning development is asynchronous learning.
As opposed to traditional instructorled training or even distance learning that centers on teleconferencing and online presentations, asynchronous e-learning occurs in an environment where a single learner interacts directly with content via a technology system, maximizing flexibility in timing and access for the learner by allowing learner control of pace, schedule, and location.

Success factors
While traditional instructional design principles are still central to creating effective e-learning, they are not sufficient in themselves to create learning in an asynchronous learning environment. Arching over traditional design practices is the need to account for the unique requirements of computer-delivered instruction and interaction through three powerful success factors. While these factors actually apply to all learning, they are absolutely essential when designing asynchronous e-learning.


Ethan Edwards Chief Knowledge Officer, Allen Interactions
Ethan has been designing online instruction for almost 25 years, beginning with work at the PLATO laboratory at the University of Illinois, continuing through positions at Authorware, Macromedia, Microsoft, and as a consultant with a host of top companies in the United States and abroad.
As Chief Knowledge Officer at Allen Interactions, a nationally-recognized company dedicated to creating the world's best custom e-Learning applications, Ethan is responsible for internal and external training and communication regarding Allen Interactions' unique perspective on designing and developing meaningful and memorable e-Learning programs. While focused primarily on corporate training, Ethan has comprehensive experience with education and government institutions, having worked extensively in libraries and schools as a full-time consultant with the Lincoln Trail Libraries System in Champaign, IL.
He is also a licensed secondary mathematics teacher. He is the primary instructor for ASTD's Instructional Design for e-Learning certificate course, and has spoken at conferences and private presentations throughout the world.

Source: American Society for Training & Development