Technology Enhanced Learning Against Social Exclusion
We are increasingly migrating into cyberspace. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are part of our everyday life and permeate many activities, such as working environments, daily communications and relationships, handling of administrative affairs, etc. They have become a basic priority and a key driver in politics, economics and -more significantly for this issue- education. However, it is necessary to promote further digital equity in order to enhance social inclusion in/through this migrating process.
Today many agree that most conceptions of digital inequity or the so-called digital divide need to be reassessed, as the sole provision of hardware, software and Internet access is not a guarantee of eInclusion and enhanced social inclusion. In fact, we need to make sure that they are effectively integrated into communities, institutions and societies, and used by citizens in order to engage in meaningful social practices (Warschauer, 2003 ).
Empowering Language Minorities through Technology: Which Way to Go?
By Melinda Dooly
From cheating to teaching: a path for conversion of illegal gambling machines
By Juarez Bento da Silva, Gustavo Ribeiro Alves and João Bosco da Mota Alves
Digital technologies and inclusive schooling
By Ana Isabel Ruiz López
How new technologies can help with ‘invisible disabilities’
By Giovanni Torrisi and Sonia Piangerelli
Using ICT and electronic music to reduce school drop out in Europe
By Franco Alvaro
Download eLearning Papers n° 19. (PDF)
Source: elearningeuropa.info