The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.
Take a look at this interesting line-up below.
OPEN FORUM on Social inclusion, social media and the future of language education. Rethinking social inclusion through Web 2.0. What’s in hold for the future of language education? For the EU-funded Network “Language learning and social media: 6 key dialogues” (LS6 network), social media is a genuine field of transition, evolution and exploration of boundaries between social networking tools, human activity and learning, namely language learning. We would now like to extend this debate further. Please join the discussion and share your views with us in this open forum!
The main purpose of the ELBEP project is to solve communication problems of European prison staffs with foreign prisoners in Germany, Belgium and Greece. Prison staff learning a native language of the foreign prisoners shall initiate steps for mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue. Through their second language education via an e-Learning environment (second language portals: Russian, Polish, Spanish, Greek and Turkish) the staff shall promote social cohesion as regards both rehabilitation and lives after release.
ELEARNING AFRICA 2010, 26-28 May 2010.
Moving to Zambia in 2010, eLearning Africa continues to build and expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education and training in Africa, including management and policymaking. As with the previous conferences, eLearning Africa 2010 will be conducted in both English and French.
The forum will feature two high-profile events: The 8th international ePortfolio conference will address the use of ePortfolio among others in healthcare education and practice, employability and organisational learning. Meanwhile, the participants in the 4th Key Competencies conference will learn and exchange ideas about active citizenship, economic innovation and accreditation.
MEDIA AND LEARNING CONFERENCE 2010. 25-26 November 2010.
Bringing together practitioners and policy makers, this two day conference will highlight the latest developments, services and uses of media in education and training. This event will incorporate the annual MEDEA Awards.
Selected articles
Compendium of Good Practices in Mathematics, Science & Technology
The examples of good practices presented in this compendium are extracted from the initiatives experienced during the Peer Learning Activities organised by the host countries in cooperation with DG...
Twelve years of measuring linguistic diversity in the Internet: balance and perspectives
Written by Daniel Pimienta, Daniel Prado and Alvaro Blanco, this publication is an update to the previous UNESCO study on this subject that was issued for the World Summit on the Information Society...
Study on Social Computing and Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities: Usage Trends and Implications
This report explores the research hypothesis that the shift from Web 1.0 solutions (exemplified by web portals, forums etc.) to Web 2.0 services (specifically blogs and online social networks) leads...
Source: elearningeuropa.info