Using Digital Storytelling for Creative and Innovative e-Learning by Nalin Sharda
Don't miss this article in the eLearn Magazine about how creativity and innovation can be enhanced with e-learning systems based on digital storytelling.
A story creation model called movement-oriented design (MOD) is introduced for systematically developing effective digital stories, in conjunction with story creation principles articulated by Robert McKee, a Hollywood guru of script writing.Using e-learning content that encourages learners to be creative and innovative requires innovative pedagogy.This innovative pedagogy can be developed by using digital storytelling. These digital stories need to be engaging with a well defined spine, and a moving narrative to keep the learner engaged. McKee Principles can be used to achieve this. However, how to encourage creativity, and inculcate the spirit of innovation through e-learning content, needs further exploring.Read more...About the Author
Nalin Sharda holds a BTech. and a PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Presently he teaches and leads research in multimedia systems and human computer interaction at Victoria University, Australia. He has held visiting positions at Aachen University in Germany, Karlstad University in Sweden, Jaypee University of Information Technology in India, and Florida Atlantic University in the U.S. Source: eLearn Magazine