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Friday, May 20, 2011

Free websites use social networking tools to share content

Laura Devaney, Managing Editor writes, "Free websites offer free academic social networking and content sharing for teachers and students. Today's story explores two of those sites.
Do you use Sophia or Wiggio, or another site, in your classroom? What do you like best about academic social networking, and what features would you like to see in the future?"

As social networking and education become increasingly compatible, free websites like Wiggio and Sophia are working to strengthen this bond by providing additional tools for educators and students.  

Wiggio lets users form online groups and provides the tools to create private listservs and web addresses; manage events with a shared calendar; send eMail, text, and voice messages; and manage files in a shared folder.

What is Wiggio?

Sophia is a free social teaching and learning platform that offers academic content to anyone, free of charge. The website, which has been described as a mashup of Facebook, Wikipedia, and YouTube focused solely on education, also lets educators create a customized learning environment in a private or public setting.

Sophia Overview from Sophia on Vimeo.

They are some of the latest websites in what is a growing trend of free social networking sites that can help educators and students collaborate and share content. Another is Edmodo, which launched a few years ago and offers free classroom communication for teachers, students, and administrators on a secure social network.

Source: eSchool News