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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Upcoming Free Webinars!

Check out these FREE online webinars below:
Classroom Capture and Student Performance and How to Produce Polished Webcasts.

Classroom Capture and the Community College CIO: Effects on Student Satisfaction, Performance and Retention

Tuesday, May 24, 2011,
11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Central (convert your time zone)

Lawrence Schaaf, CIO and Dean of Academic Technology Services at North Hennepin Community College, has been charged with trying to solve three major issues on campus: student satisfaction, student performance, and student retention and completion.

His proposed solution had to involve easy-to-use, faculty-friendly technology, and be flexible enough to help students deal with balancing school, work and family. After a full analysis of lecture capture systems on the market, North Hennepin Community College selected the Mediasite webcasting platform.

In the initial pilot, almost two dozen course sections in seven disciplines were recorded, offering 700 students on-demand class recordings they could review on their own time, as well as live streaming options so they could watch synchronously for when they couldn't physically attend class.

At the end of the semester, he surveyed the students and the results surprised him.

Join us for this webinar to hear Dean Schaaf present his findings and answer your questions:
  • Can semester to semester retention and course load be positively impacted by lecture capture technology?
  • How did the use of the lecture capture system impact students' overall satisfaction with the course? Did it impact overall grades?
  • How much did the availability of classroom recordings or live streaming courses influence student attendance in class?
  • Based on student experiences with lecture capture, do they prefer other courses that offer the same service? Should colleges let students know which sections of a course will offer lecture capture? And how may that influence enrollment?
Register online today.

Lights, Camera, Action: Fool Proof Tips to Produce the Most Polished Webcasts on the Planet

Tuesday, May 24, 2011,
12:00 - 12:30 p.m. Central (convert your time zone)

Ever wish you could ask an expert how to make your live streaming video look better? Here's your chance. This is a rare opportunity for one-on-one Q&A with one of the most well-respected streaming video consultants, writers and instructors around. Even if you aren't a techy or on either side of the camera, we guarantee you'll pick up a few tips that will step up the game of your webcasting team and IT/AV colleagues.

Sonic Foundry is proud to host live streaming expert Jan Ozer who literally wrote the book on digital video. He's been teaching courses on streaming video for nearly 20 years, and during that time has produced and shot live webcasts on everything from concerts and ballets to corporate presentations.

Whether you're streaming from a conference room or a classroom, he'll share his top tips, tricks and tech choices for optimizing the audio and video quality of your webcast. He'll also answer your pressing questions on how to produce the most polished webcasts on the planet, including:
  • How important is pre-production and planning for live webcasts? (hint: VERY)
  • How much difference does a good camera make?
  • What options do I have for lights and how do I place them?
  • How do I choose the right mic?
  • What do I do when the existing background just isn't good enough?
Register online today.