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Thursday, November 07, 2019

Simplilearn, Purdue University launch postgraduate program in artificial intelligence and machine learning | DATAQUEST

Simplilearn has trained over 1,000,000 professionals across 150 countries to upskill and prepare for the digital future by DQINDIA Online.

Simplilearn launched a postgraduate program in artificial intelligence and machine learning in partnership with Purdue University. The postgraduate program in artificial intelligence and machine learning will be offered in India.

This collaboration offers learners a program curriculum with industry projects, covering in total over 450 learning hours and more than 25 projects. The program covers foundational to advanced skills on Machine Learning, NLP, Speech Recognition, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning enabling professionals for one of the most exciting technology frontiers with in-depth theoretical understanding and practical hands-on experience.

On completion of the program, learners will receive a Purdue University certificate and the graduates will be entitled to membership in the Purdue University Alumni Association, joining a global community of AI professionals...

...Through our collaboration with Simplilearn, our program will enable learners with the skills required to future-proof their careers and discover growth opportunities in the fields of AI and ML”, said Gerry McCartney, the Oesterle Professor of Information Technology at Purdue University.
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