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Wednesday, December 04, 2019

How is Big Data Making a Difference in the Promotion of eLearning Apps? | Technology - MobileAppDaily

Tanya Singh, Editor In Chief notes, With the blend of technology like big data, the eLearning industry can effectively serve the underprivileged sections of society.

Photo: MobileAppDaily
The eLearning industry has made its mark in every corner of the world and undoubtedly will dominate in the future. It implies that the competition amongst course designers and developers will become all the more fierce and hence, they must find unique ways to raise their bar.

According to research, the eLearning industry is set to become a $325 billion industry by the year 2025.

Big data technology has long been associated with the education sector as its future alongside being a part of numerous marketing channels. The role of Big Data in creating push notifications for the eLearning industry is prominent, which is one of the hottest marketing techniques of today.

Every content developer aims to reach its target audience at the right time and cater to their requirements. And, the impact of Big Data helps make this possible.
Let’s have a look at how!...

What’s Future Holds for the eLearning Industry? 
The e-learning sector has gained momentum ever since its inception. It is, in fact, a dynamic landscape where the role of big data in marketing the e-learning content is revolutionizing. The mobile and tablet penetration has witnessed a significant rise as learners are more inclined towards learning on the go. That being said, a plethora of e-learning apps are designed by the course providers to facilitate ease of learning.

With Big Data in eLearning, course designers can acquire what works best; hence, e-learning professionals are offered customized and more personalized courses. Also, it helps track learner patterns, i.e., assessing their course performance and time spent in finishing a particular module.

Source: MobileAppDaily