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Monday, December 02, 2019

Quotes by women in STEMM to inspire you to follow your dreams | Quotes - YourStory

Edited by Evelyn Ratnakumar.

Here are quotes by pioneering women in STEMM to inspire to follow through your dreams and desires, according to Nirandhi Gowthaman.

Photo: HerStory
STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine) fields are predominantly male-oriented. But, interestingly, women were the first computer engineers, software designers, mathematicians at NASA, and many other pioneering fields. Today, even though more women are graduating with technical and science degrees, from the workplace to science labs, women remain a minority. To encourage more women to take on roles and leadership positions in science and tech, various initiatives like Girls Who Code are being implemented. Some of the first pioneers in tech are women like Grace Hopper and even today, these women in STEMM continue to inspire more women to take the path less travelled.

Some of the first pioneers in tech are women like Grace Hopper and even today, these women in STEMM continue to inspire more women to take the path less travelled.

So if you are looking for inspiration for that final nudge to follow your dreams, here are quotes by women in STEMM:
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Source: YourStory