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Sunday, December 08, 2019

The 2019 Sweat Science Holiday Book List | Sweat Science - Outside

Great titles for the endurance-curious, or to curl up with yourself, notes Alex Hutchinson, Outside Online.

Here are some suggestions for the endurance nerds, science geeks, and just plain intellectually curious people in your life (including you).
Cyber Monday has come and gone, but you somehow failed to acquire the right wirelessly charging, life-quantifying, smart-home-enabled wearable techno-gadget for everyone on your Christmas list. That’s OK. Books are cheap every day of the year, and they’re brimming with knowledge and inspiration. Here are some suggestions for the endurance nerds, science geeks, and just plain intellectually curious people in your life (including you). 

Note that these are mostly books that I’ve read and enjoyed this year, but not necessarily books that were published this year. My operating theory is that a good book is better than a new book. (On that note, here is last year’s list.)

Source: Outside