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Friday, March 13, 2020

Here Is Everything You Need To Know About Pi Day And How It Is Celebrated | Festivals - Republic World

What is Pi Day and how is Pi day celebrated across the globe? Read to find out the importance of Pi day and how people have already started the celebration, inform Kashyap Vora, Republic World.

Photo: Shutterstock
Pi is a well-known mathematical constant that denotes the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. When one types π in any calculator and presses enter, the result that it will display is 3.141592654. However, Pi is an irrational number and is a decimal with no end. Every year, March 14 is celebrated as Pi Day across the globe. Pi is often represented by the Greek letter π. The mathematical constant is approximated with either 3.14 or 22/7.

What is Pi Day?
Every year, Pi Day has been celebrated in several ways, including throwing pies, eating pies, and discussing the importance of the π. With pi and pie being homophones in English and the circular shape of pies, people tend to celebrate Pi day by making pies. In addition to that, a lot of schools also hold competitions like which student recalls the highest decimal number of Pi. 

Happy Pi Day tomorrow around the world!

Source: Republic World