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Friday, May 14, 2021

How to Inspire a Love of Math | Family Finances - Investopedia

The current standard curriculum is anything but inspired by Amy Fontinelle, financial journalist and personal finance expert.

Photo: Investopedia

The standard American math curriculum is anything but inspiring. Based on memorization and timed tests, it encourages boredom and anxiety. A lucky few students get the inspiration and motivation required to enjoy and excel in math from a parent or teacher. The rest muddle through, often quitting at the firstopportunity. How can we disrupt this depressing state of affairs?...

What does a mathematician look like?

“The demographics of the mathematical community does not look like the demographics of America. We have left whole segments out of the benefits of the flourishing available in our profession.” — Francis Su, “Mathematics for Human Flourishing”7

Push back when a student says they aren’t a math person. Let them know that even if they struggle with one aspect of math, they might enjoy another type. Emphasize that, as stated above, math ability is not innate and must be acquired.23 Students who appear to be gifted may just be better educated. Perhaps they got a head start from math-fluent parents. They shouldn’t be the metric against which other students judge themselves.

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Source: Investopedia