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Saturday, May 29, 2021

New book by Caleb T. Carr, Associate Professor of Communication | Books - Helge Scherlund's eLearning News

Take a closer look at Caleb T. Carr's new textbook for undergraduate scholars entitled, "Computer-Mediated Communication: A Theoretical and Practical Introduction to Online Human Communication"

Computer-Mediated Communication: 
A Theoretical and Practical Introduction to Online Human Communication

As more of our human interaction moves online and facilitated by digital channels, it becomes increasingly important to understand how being online influences how we interact with others and ourselves. This textbook introduces students to the fundamental concepts, theories, and applications of computer-mediated communication...

Though contemporary examples are offered to illustrate theories and application, the text is written in a way that allows and encourages scholars to think about their own media use in a broader and channel-agnostic mindset, applying what they learn beyond just Instagram and Snapchat, to make sense of their modern and digital world.

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Source: Amazon