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Friday, May 07, 2021

Platform co-op plans revolution for online tutoring and teaching | Top Stories - Co-operative News

Anca Voinea, focuses on international news notes, MyCoolClass will connect educators to students in ten languages. 

With schools across the world shutting due to Covid-19, e-learning has become an increasingly popular option around the world – but while this has increased platform revenues, teachers’ pay has stayed the same.

“Last year, during lockdown, I decided to start something different,” says John Hayes, co-founder of MyCoolClass, an international teacher-owned platform co-op set for launch next month. He hails from California but has been living in Warsaw, Poland, for nearly six years while working as an ESL teacher, in language schools and online.

After speaking with other freelance teachers and professionals affected by pay cuts, he decided the best solution would be to launch a co-operatively owned online learning platform...

Around 1,600 teachers from more than 60 countries have pre-registered to join the co-op, which will be accepting members this month with the platform going live in June. So far, running costs have not been high since the co-op was able to bring a range of professionals on board, including a graphic and web designer, an IT technician and teachers with admin experience...

Another different feature will be a membership area within the platform where teachers can co-create, collaborate and develop short, fun-themed courses. These will then be submitted to the review board, which will be made up of the co-op’s staff of professional curriculum builders and educators, who will review the content and provide suggestions to improve the courses. Once approved, the courses will be sent to the co-op’s in-house graphic design and illustration team, to bring them to life and add them to the marketplace. Teachers will earn royalties when their course is sold.

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Source: Co-operative News